Articles in Category: Internet
The Internet – the global network of networks and one of the most significant and powerful things to have come along ever.
“Web Search Garage”
Anyone can throw terms at Google and press “Search”. Web Search Garage takes you beyond just throwing words on the virtual wall and seeing what sticks.
What’ a Proxy Server?
Proxy servers sit between you and your internet connection, often caching or filtering the content as it makes its way from server to you.
Did Apple just pull a “Microsoft”?
iTunes now supports podcasting, but in doing so, did Apple take a page from Microsoft’s book of tactics?
Why do my “.cfm” files work in some browsers and not others?
Well, the good news is that’s it’s most likely an easy, if obscure, fix that you, or your webmaster, needs to do. The “bad” news, if you want to call it that, is this: the browsers that are showing you what you expect? They’re technically wrong.
Domain Envy? Or Domain Snobs?
I learned a new term this week, and talk about what I think is really going on.
What rights do I retain when I publish an RSS feed?
Let me preface this with the standard disclaimer: I am not a lawyer. But that doesn’t prevent me from having an opinion… RSS, by it’s very name, was developed for syndication – the act of aggregating and/or republishing the content published in the feed. There’s a problem that results from the tension between those two … Read more
What’s an MD5 Signature?
Well, it’s Message Digest algorithm number 5. That doesn’t help, does it? MD5 is one technique that’s frequently used to make sure that a file hasn’t been altered.
Can I track what links people are clicking on, even if they go off my site?
It’s often very desirable to see what links people are clicking on. Redirection services can often provide that information.
How Do I Keep the Status Bar from Disappearing in Internet Explorer 6?
In older versions of Internet Explorer 6 the status bar would disappear from view even though you explicitly turned it on.