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How do I put a picture in a comment on


How do I put a picture into a comment I post on someone’s account? I see others doing it, but I can’t figure out how.

I get this question a lot, so I opened my own myspace account, and enlisted the help of a buddy to try it out. It’s actually not that hard.

Caveat: I’m not a MySpace guru, so there might be easier ways. That being said, this wasn’t too bad, and most importantly, it worked.

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In order to post a picture into a comment, that picture must already be uploaded and on the internet somewhere. As you’ve seen, there’s nothing about posting a comment that talks about uploading or anything like it, so you must already have done this.

“In order to post a picture into a comment, that picture must already be uploaded and on the internet somewhere.”

The easiest way, of course, is to upload the picture into your own account.

  • Upload your picture: After you sign in to MySpace, hit the Upload / Change Photos link underneath the big Hello, name!. Naturally, make sure that you follow their guidelines for allowed uploads: .gif or .jpg files and less than 600k in size.
  • Locate your picture’s URL: Go to your own URL (for example, and click on “View More Pics“. The picture you just uploaded should be there. Click on the image to view the full picture. Now, right click on that photo, and select Properties. You should see something like this:

    Image Properties

    Select the Address: (URL) with your mouse (click at the beginning of “http”, and drag until the entire URL is selected), and copy that to the clipboard. In this example the URL would be “”. You can dismiss the properties dialog when done.

  • Make your comment: Go to the MySpace page where you want to leave a comment and press Add Comment. Now, in that comment, where you want that picture, enter this:

    <img src=”” />

    IMPORTANT replace the URL (the “”) in this example with the URL you copied from the properties dialog above to your own picture.

The picture doesn’t actually have to be on MySpace. In fact, it can be anywhere on the internet, as long as it’s accessible by some URL.

That’s all there is to it.

If it doesn’t work, I expect the most common cause for failure to be the copy of the URL to the picture. Make sure you copy it exactly.

Do this

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236 comments on “How do I put a picture in a comment on”

  1. Hi, I am the webmaster from DropItLikeItsHoff. We have a policy to prevent hotlinking of images. If you wish to use the image, contact me and I’ll explain how to use our images – no problem!

  2. I love this website so much that i printed out multiple copies of just the webpage and glued them all over my walls. I wish a person could marry a website, because if I could then we would be on our honey moon. Leo you are GORGEOUS!!

  3. What if I want to put into a comment a picture that is from a password protected website like Ofoto? Is there a way to do this or do I have to upload the pic to somewhere like myspace?

  4. How can I put a picture of a famous person on my profile page on myspace? I wanted to put it under the section that says “Who I’d like to meet” if possible. Thanks!

  5. Hey, I cannot figure out a way put a picture I have uploaded into my name field on myspace…
    I’ve seen others do it before, but it just shows the code, not the picture…
    Did they disable that?

  6. hey
    is there anyway i can get more pics into my view pics section without having to pay anything? like a html code or something?
    let me know asap


  7. How do I put another picture in the caption on one of my pictures from my “View more pictures” section. I’ve seen a few people with this, but I tried just the basic image code with a URL from my photobucket, but it didn’t work. Any suggestions?

  8. Thanks a bunch for your help! I knew how to get the URL, but not what to do with it. This information was JUST what I was looking for!

    Thanks again!

  9. so… i need your help. how do you put a picture as your caption? ive seen it done on some peoples myspaces. but i dont know how. i tried just using the photobucket url. but that did not work. 🙁 so… any suggestions? please? help?

  10. How do I put another picture in the caption on one of my pictures from my “View more pictures” section. I’ve seen a few people with this, but I tried just the basic image code with a URL from my photobucket, but it didn’t work. Any suggestions?

  11. How do I put another picture in the caption on one of my pictures from my “View more pictures” section. I’ve seen a few people with this, but I tried just the basic image code with a URL from my photobucket, but it didn’t work. Any suggestions?

  12. hey leo, i’d like to know how can i get an “icon” under my myspace pictures cause all of my friends know how to do that, but they always tell me that they dont know how to do that cause they’re friends did it for them. Please leo! Help me!! I really wanna know how to put an icon under my myspace pictures!! okay thank you! bye!

  13. How do I put another picture in the caption on one of my pictures from my “View more pictures” section. I’ve seen a few people with this, but I tried just the basic image code with a URL from my photobucket, but it didn’t work. Help? Please?

  14. ive seen some ppl tht have this thing where when u click view more pics.. u can have like 20 pics instead of only 12!! i realllly wanan know how to put more pics up!! please help =)

  15. How do i put a picture as a picture caption under the “View More Pictures” section.
    Also, how do i put a picture under my “Headline” section?

  16. How do I put another picture in the caption on one of my pictures from my “View more pictures” section. I’ve seen a few people with this, but I tried just the basic image code with a URL from my photobucket, but it didn’t work. Any suggestions?

  17. How do i put a picture as a picture caption under the “View More Pictures” section.
    Also, how do i put a picture under my “Headline” section?

  18. How do i put a picture as a picture caption under the “View More Pictures” section.
    Also, how do i put a picture under my “Headline” section?

  19. So how do you get that address if you can’t right click? If you are a mac user for instance, “right click” pretty much means nothing. I use a PC so your instructions worked perfectly! But my roommate uses a mac and is pretty frustrated. What to do?

  20. I’m mostly PC myself (my new Mac’s in the shop … seriously), but I believe Command-Click is the Mac equivalent. Hopefully someone will correct me if I’m wrong.

  21. was there ever an answer to the question “if your using a mac and there is no right click, to get into the properties menu” what do you do to put pictures in comments on myspace pages?

  22. Thanks! Your response to this question posted was VERY helpful! Thank you! I appreciate your help. I left you a dollar for your generosity on the helpful response to the question posted by someone. Your answer helped me a lot! Take care, Michelle

  23. How do I put another picture in the caption on one of my pictures from my “View more pictures” section. I’ve seen a few people with this, but I tried just the basic image code with a URL from my photobucket, but it didn’t work. Any suggestions?

  24. ok…well i saved a picture on microsoft word and that picture did not come from me…i mean it was from another person. well i just dont know how to make the picture so that it will be a picture file, not a word file…help! lol thank you,

  25. this was very helpful….but i was wondering how people get a lot of pics on their page? Like under general, interests, and all that how do they get pictures there? Please help asap!! thank you!!!

  26. Can I post a pic in a comment box that isn’t in my pictures on myspace… like… what if I have a URL in image shack?

  27. how do you actually get an answer for the question asked on this site? i really want pictures in my caption section, has anyone figured out how to do it yet? if so, how do you let people know on this blog? aaa

  28. To put a picture…First,get your free account at a picture from your hard drive onto your photo album.Copy the link from the “tag”section and paste it on the comment box(along with your comment)…and..presto!You have a picture with the comment(^v^).It’s very simple.

  29. Your an idiot. You’re saying I have to upload every picture to my pictures, before I can repost it to someone else’s comment box? There’s not a simple html code I can use to link it directly to the url i have? Thanks for overcomplicating things.

  30. If you actually read the article, you’ll notice that what’s posted in a comment is just a URL to a picture that can be anywhere on the internet. In fact the article that you apparently didn’t read says “anywhere on the internet” at least twice.

  31. I read the article and I thankyou I will try it on MySpace but I wanted to know what are url’s
    ending in .torrent I am trying to use Bit Torrent I paid 37.00 for and it asked for url I tryed a few things but it says cannot find url. Thanks K

  32. Thank you very much for the step by step instructions on how to upload a picture into the comment box on myspace. Your directions are clear, ditailed and easy.

  33. whenever i right click on the picture there is no “properties” option, so i can’t figure out how to do it now. Thanks, BYE!

  34. hey thanks for all that info. it’s really helpful. BUT is there a way to take pictures off my digital and put them in comments without publishing them online first?


  36. The info was very helpful. Thanks. Also, concerning the two dots “..” coming up – I got this as well the first time I tried. What was causing the problem for me was not putting a space between the alt=”” & />. (alt=”” />)

  37. I was wondering in the acctual myspace profile how do you put pictures in the part where it says headline? can you get back to me as soon as possible. Thankyou

  38. so i wanna know how do you put an icon as your headline for one of your pictures? so instead of putting just words the little square icon is there

  39. C’mon people, this is easy html, Alix, If you don’t knnow whow to use a myspace, don’t use it , other wise, go upload your photos on myspace, then set it as a defualt.


    sasha, all you have to do is type in the html or code, then wirte the caption after that.

    Greg, all you have to do is that do that 12 times,
    upload your picture at or any image upload service, and put the image url in between these quotes:

    do that 12 times with different urls.


  40. Everyone’s asking but I don’t see the answer!.. but how do I put a picture in the caption of a picture on my myspace?!??!

  41. I’m trying to post pictures on my myspace homepage where it says general and interests, how do I do that? I tried seeing if it would work the same as putting it in the comment box but it didn’t.

  42. How do I place a picture from my computer, onto my myspace profile…Not uploaded in the picture section, but anywhere else on the page…

  43. I’m trying to post pictures on my myspace homepage where it says general and interests, how do I do that? I tried seeing if it would work the same as putting it in the comment box but it didn’t.

  44. hi, am just wondering…how and what do I need to put an actual pic on my myspace profile…for example under my heroes section if i want to put a few pictures of friends??…

  45. Open a Photobucket account. (It’s free.) Upload your pic there, and then use the “tag” to paste and copy it in a comment.

  46. i was wondering if you know how to put a small video into your veiw more pics for myspace… ive seen it done and i dont know how to do it….plzzz help

  47. I also would like to know how I can add more than 12 pictures. I know there’s a code or something. My friend logged on to myspace one day and she was allowed all the pictures she wanted.

  48. CAN YOU HELP ME how do i upload more than 12 images on view my pics can you tell me a website i can goto or soemthing

  49. during the making of my pro i skiped the section where u can add a default pic. now that i have my account up and running i dont know how to put a default pic on my pro, some help please

  50. Please help me. I see alot of people have more tha 12 pictures on there myspace. How do you do this? Is it a code or something? Please help.

  51. I followed your directions, and I made sure I had the EXACT URL, however, the pic doesn’t show up for everyone on the comments page on myspace, until they copy the url address of the image when they click on the ‘X’ (where the image should be) and hit properties, go to it in a new browser, then back to the comments page on myspace. Do you know why this is happening?

  52. How do i put a pic from my prepaid verizon cell phone onto the website or without a cable to hook the phone to the computer?Cause i dont think i have a cable for that.what do i do or should i do?Please reply asap with your answer please and thanx for your help.

  53. Hey i was wondering if u can upload a pic on2 a comment if its not on the iinet, just in a file thats on ur desktop…can u plz email me and tell me if this is possible, and if its not tell me wat i can do….thanks xox

  54. thanx that help alot lol but there must be an easier way… i’m not so good with scripting lol
    i guess i’ll just have to try and remember the html

  55. How do i creat a URL for a picture that is not on the internet?
    I saw that Michelle asked the same thing and cannot read the respone to her question.

  56. how do i put a picture that was downloaded off the internet onto my myspace profile (but not in my pictures section)?


  57. How do i make my entire myspace turn completly greyscale? if that can’t work then how would i go about making just my top 8 pictures/comment pictures black and white?

  58. I followed thr above instructions but my comment posted just the URL not the picture. I know I copied it correctly because if you cut and past the URL you can see the picture. Help. Thanks

  59. See like it might of worked… but didnt i left a comment and theres a whole bunch of code in my comment… it worked at first when i looked at it before i click post comment but then at there site it went back to codes.

  60. It seems that the reason it won’t upload is because the

    alt=”” />

    won’t fit. At all. It just cuts off at “jpg.” And I’ll be dammed if there isn’t another way of fitting it in!

  61. This method works but I think it is far too compilcated for the average computer user. The most simplistic way that I use and think just about anybody can use is All you have to do is upload your photos and it gives you the tag you need. All you have to do is copy and paste the script into your comment, in your bio, or where ever.

  62. i have question to ask abt myspace ….everyone send me comment then i try post comment but they wont let me click anything i cant typing or put pix in comment box then post comment not even working anything need ur help to solved ?

  63. How can i post a comment for my friends? Everytime i use the comment box of my space, i cannot type anything. it looks like i am prohibited for writting a comment to all my friends or maybe it was block.Please help me.
    Thank you

  64. How do I add sound to a posted picture in a comment?
    Could I post the sound somewhere and then add a tag to reference the sound? Thanks- See Jay

  65. How can i post a comment for my friends? Everytime i use the comment box of my space, i cannot type anything. it looks like i am prohibited for writting a comment to all my friends or maybe it was block.Please help me.
    Thank you

  66. the picture came up but were it says to confirm comment there is no button that says confirm there is only 1 that says edit and cancel

  67. i actually founnd a better way. you want to make a new account on then up load you photos on there. then after you do you should see you picture at the bottom of the screen and under it 3 different tags with stuff you can cut and paste next to it. you choose the “tag” one, just cut and paste that in the comment box and it will but it on there. good luck ya’ll

  68. for nils (nov 22) For Macs when you get the pic instead of right clicking. hold down control and click. then choose “copy image address” and follow the same instructions..( The control button works for most “right click” options)

  69. Hey i want to put images or pictures under my myspace 16 pictures. I went to tiny adn got the code but it shows up as a dot..ANy solutions?

  70. I followed the directions, except it keeps putting up the wrong picture. I have tried even taking the picture from my e-mail and putting it in my pics on myspace and still no luck????

  71. I’m a novice but this made it so easy, and no advertisement codes to delete. Thank you!

    This is the line of code I saved so I can use it all the time (makes it obvious what to replace with the actual photo link)

  72. it doesnt work for me, the picture never comes up because the link is is too long and it wont fit inside the box. all i keep getting is two dots, ive been trying to do this for ages, so can you help me plz. much love.x

  73. EVERYONE PLEASE – read the article carefully… particularly this statement:

    “if this doesn’t work the most common cause is not doing it exactly right.”

    Two dots happens if your HTML is bad or incomplete (for example the /> was left off). The most common cause is that the URL you are trying to use is TOO LONG. You MUST use a shorter URL. Make sure that EVERYTHING explained above fits in the caption box … if it doesn’t, it’s too long. Make it shorter.

    I’m closing comments on this article, since it’s just repeats of this exact same issue.

    UPDATE: I’ve added this article for those of you having problems with URLs that are too long:

  74. hey,i wanted to post a comment but there is not a link to it. it only says,”post comment but you press on it and it doesn’t do nothing!

  75. when i copy an url to one of the boxes (e.g. about me)existing in profile edit section, it really works, that is, my profile shows the image associated with the url I copy. However after a while, when i open my profile page, instead of showing this image, a broken url shows on where the picture should be!!! Help!!!


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