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How Do I Get a Windows Program to Always Open Maximized?


How do I make sure that when I open any windows application, it opens "full screen" (maximized) ? It would be a time saver if I didn't have to always hit
the maximize button.

Indeed it would. And while there are a couple of caveats, there's actually a fairly simple way to make this happen for most programs.

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Right click on the shortcut or menu item you use to start the program:

Right click on a program shortcut

Now, click on properties:

Properties of a program shortcut

Note the item labeled Run that's set to "Normal Window". Change that to "Maximized":

Properties of a program shortcut, with Run Maximize shown

Hit OK.

The program should now start up maximized.

Naturally, you could also select "minimized" to have the program start that way instead.

As I said, there are a couple of caveats:

  • Some programs override this. By that I mean that when they start, they explicitly decide whether they want to be minimized, maximized or "normal". The upshot is that they effectively ignore this setting. You'll need to check with that particular program if there's a way to alter this behavior.
  • This works on programs, and shortcuts to program, but not documents or other files. For example if you have a shortcut to a Microsoft Word document on your desktop you will not see the Run option. However if you have a shortcut to Microsoft Word itself, you will.
  • Shortcuts in your start menu count. By that I mean, if in your start menu you have a shortcut to an application, you can right click on that menu item and click on properties, just as if it were a shortcut on your desktop of somewhere else.

Do this

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51 comments on “How Do I Get a Windows Program to Always Open Maximized?”

  1. I don’t have a computer, I only have WEBtv. can I use the maximze button for all incoming message that are too small for me to read,(as I don’t have windows?)

  2. I’ve just tried your “always maximized” proceedure using I.E.7 and, when right clicking at the beginning (your first step) I get a very short, abbreviated drop-down menu which has “properties”, but when that is clicked, get another truncated menu not at all like the one you indicate. Without the needed options. So, another classic frustration with I.E. Right at the start. Can you help this recent Geezer convert to C O M P U T E R S ?
    Best regards

  3. Duh! I was about to send this same question in, and it was just that?!?! Smack myself on the head. Thanks Leo! Now, I just need to figure out why my status bar in IE keeps disappearing!

  4. Also part of the answer might be…. open C:toolsfolder optionsview, uder advanced settings, click on Remember each folders settings.

  5. I have tried the above. There is no “Short Cut” Tab. Now what? Fact is, my Property box is no where simuliar to Loe’s description.

  6. When you right click on a shurtcut the tab you will be on from start is the shortcut tab. You will next to “Run” be able to choose Maximized

  7. I have went through multiple web pages including microsoft found this web page and answered my issue.
    god only knows why I could not figure this out !
    the transition between a new computer and vista got me fluttered I guess
    I just wanted to say thank you for posting this.

  8. I have done this, as it’s them same as XP, however my Vista Home Premium version ignores the setting. All the windows, all the time. Any other suggestions? Any help will be appreciated, because I now have a 22″ LCD screen and hate to have the windows open only in “Normal” mode.

  9. When I right click on explorer there is nothing that says shortcut on there. I have windows XP.
    This is really making me nuts. I’ve also tried extending the corners and them closing and restarting and it keeps happening. Thanks for any help you can give.

  10. If Windows do not open to full size in IE7/8, follow these instructions.

    Open a webpage. Stretch it out to full size. Don’t use maximize.
    Choose any link on that webpage and right-click, select open in a new window.
    Stretch that second window out to the desired size- don’t use maximize.
    Close the first IE window. Then close that second resized window. This should take care of the problem.





  12. This does not work for all browsers shown, as soon as Vista closes, and restarts, any changes made are as they were when it restarts. The properties remain unchanged, the the actual results aren’t there.

    Besides, shouldn’t Vista, by nature, “remember” the last view setting?

    I don’t use IE at all. I use Firefox, which this works for, as long as it is the default browser.

    My original reason was to open all my folders and files views Maximized. This doesn’t answer how to open anything in explorer.exe (not iexplorer) always maximized, which is a fair bigger problem for me! Isn’t windows explorer considered an app too?

  13. Another simple way is to:
    Oppen a Doc, broswer page or whatever.
    Maximise it (apologies if you cannot)
    Click on Cntrl AND then close it using the the Close (red cross) button at the top right of the screen.
    When you open it, it has “remebers ” to amximise.

    Hope it helps.

    Though I do use Autosizer on another laptop and like that too.

  14. I opened Incredimail and manually changed it to the size I wanted. Then clicked Control and the X to shut down. Then reopened and it opened exactly the size I wanted. Didnt like it maximized. YES YES YES IT WORKED!

  15. Hi! This happened to me once before but for some reason I was able to maximize the page again?
    Don’t ask me what the blazes I did lol..but I did
    something wrong to get my shrunken page and then
    again to get it full screen? I tried what you said to do on here..but, unfortunately it did not work.
    I know *patience* is a virtue..but lately I don’t
    have that much patience anymore (must be my age)

  16. (This is for Windows 7)
    Right click on your internet explorer icon then mouse up to internet explorer and right click on it. Then click properites then go to the shortcut tab in the drop down box you will see run more than likly saying normal wind change it to maximized save and your done!

  17. I’ve been having the same trouble (and I recall having this trouble once before on another laptop I used in previous years). I tried to follow the steps laid out here but discovered they didn’t work for me. I think part of the problem is I’m using Windows Vista, so right-clicking on the Windows application I want to maximize (in my case, MS Word) gives me a different menu. I did manage to find the selection that gives me the options “Normal”, “Minimized”, and “Maximized”, but when I changed it the first time it told me I needed to be an administrator to change the settings. Then I went into “Properties” and selected “Administrator” under “Security” options and tried to implement the same change…but then tested it by opening up a new Word document and it still opened up at half-size. Arrrrrrrgh!

  18. click and hold a corner of the window you want maximized. drag it to the size you want. hold down ctrl and click file exit (do not use the x in the upper right). your window should open the same size now.

  19. LOL,
    Thanks for the memory jogger. I recall holding a key down while closing, but forgot which key. Also, this only works when you manually resize the window instead of clicking the maximize button. Thanks.

  20. I tried to “click and hold a corner of the window(Explore) from start at the bottom left corner of the desktop I want maximized. drag it to the I you want. hold down ctrl and click file exit but when reopening it went back to small.

  21. I tried the solution in IE browser properties. I tried draging it and starting it with the cnt. button. I tried draging it and starting it with the shift button,but still comes up minimized. I’m running windows 7 and IE8.

    • Facebook is not a program, it’s a web site you visit in a browser. Apply these instructions to your web browser, which ever one you are using.

  22. Perfect! I am beginning to appreciate more and more good advice that works – I love it when my life gets simpler and I can move on from being stuck (esp with technology) – thanks again –

  23. I have tried every thing recommended here, believe me, only Mr Pete Ross method works. Two minor things though, when Mr.Ross say “stretch it out to full size”, make sure you pull the corner and stretch, not just one side. Also, as Mr.. Ross said, make sure you close the First window first, I recommend holding down the Ctrl. button while clicking the top right X button.

  24. That works for IE, but what about when I open “Documents” I don’t get a “properties” tab to modify.

  25. Using Windows 7 and Internet Explorer. Might not work for other combinations. To have most windows open maximized, I use jiisoft ‘IE New Windows Maximizer’. This worked but I still found Gmail opening in a minimized window which was annoying.
    You have control of a variety of toolbars available. These are the extra lines at the top of your screen some use to gain quick access to various features at times. Toolbar examples include Menu, Favorites, Google, Bing and others. You can easily check to see what is active on your screen by Right-clicking on the top toolbar (or any open toolbar). You are given a list of all available which has the ones you like checked along with other options.
    Uncheck everything. Down near the bottom you will find two more entries: Maximize and Minimize. Check the Maximize entry. If you like, now check Lock the Toolbar and then Close at the bottom. I’ll bet that in the future, most windows will open in the Maximized format.
    Unchecking the toolbars was the key to solving my problem with Gmail.

  26. I have a mac. For some reason when I restart my computer, the settings for microsoft word get messed up. When I open a word doc, it is a small size. I can’t even drag the corner to make it bigger. How do I reset so I have a regular size document?

  27. It does not work with Windows 10 !!!
    I found myself here despite the fact that I searched for info on “maximizing”, beginning my search deliberately with “Windows 10”. I am very upset with “later” Windows (post XP) for the totally unnecessary change in menu location(s) and display architecture. Apparently Microsoft does not realize that every extra click rubs humanity of millions of man-hours in productivity. I suspect that Microsoft is using helpful people like “Leo”, to give the impression that there exists “help” (or “hope” for the hopeless “later” Windows and Office versions).
    Kind regards,
    Michael P.

  28. salam, sir i’m in problem with my pc . when i’m use youtube or any videos or maximize window , then my pc automatic restart, please give me salution

  29. I want to always open files maximised using windows 10 home, I have followed instructions after right clicking properties but still have many programs which don’t do the right thing.
    Is there another method to ensure they always open maximised? I see Windows 10 home has a display option in settings but I’m reluctant to tinker without expert advice. It currently shows 100% (recommended)

    Thank you

  30. Programmes that I cannot get to reopen maximised are those that are not actually shown as being installed as software.
    In my case, it is the desktop shortcuts to You-tube and Ebay – there is no facility in properties for altering window size.
    ‘ Windows repair’ (Free) includes shortcut repairs among loads of other fixes.
    ( IE 11 with Windows 7 64bt)

  31. Thank you so much for helping me with a frustrating problem. Now all windows open fully ! I appreciate your help with that.


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