I have OnStar and every time I switch from one window to the next, the
security window opens asking if I want to view only the content that was
delivered securely. I don't have that much trouble accessing my bank account.
How do I eliminate https?
In this excerpt from
Answercast #60, I look at those (unfortunately too-common) warnings that
websites are delivering insecure content.
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Turning off security
Well, to be honest, you don't want to eliminate https. That's eliminating
the security that you want.
HTTPS stands for HTTP Secure and it's the connection that encrypts all of
your data between your browser and whatever service you're connecting to.
That's something you don't disable.
Secure content messages
What's happening here is this is a fault of the website design. The website
you're connecting to contains information that is both using HTTPS and
That is fundamentally insecure. It actually represents a security
vulnerability if someone were interested in attacking you via that website.
It's not very common. It's usually very benign - but very technically, it does
represent a security vulnerability of some sort.
The real solution to this problem is to complain to the website owner and
tell them to fix the problem. They should be delivering all of their content as
https or http, but not a mixture of the two.
Different browsers
Now, you haven't indicated what browser you are using. But most browsers
will actually allow you to disable this warning simply because it's
unfortunately very common.
The article I have covers Internet Explorer. It's called, "Can
I get rid of the "This page contains both secure and nonsecure items"
That's the warning that Internet Explorer gives you when you have this
problem. I'm sure that other browsers have a setting that allows you to disable
or ignore this warning. That's a fine work around that's actually pretty safe
to do.
As I said, it's not very common that anybody's going to try and attack via
this kind of vulnerability. But the long-term solution of course is to get
that website to fix it so that it's not trying to display a mixture of the
Next from Answercast #60 - Should I partition my external drive?