How to remove yahoo account?
Sometimes the questions really are that short.
Like many similar services, Yahoo has a vested interest in keeping you as a
customer, even if its services are free. As a result, the approach to cancel a
Yahoo email account or deleting your Yahoo account entirely is actually fairly
well hidden.
It's not hard to find if you search, but for example I couldn't find the
direct links to the process in the standard Yahoo interface once I logged
No matter. I'll give you the link and show you the process to cancel a Yahoo
Before You Begin
Be absolutely sure that you want to do this.
Like many other similar services your Yahoo account is more than mail. That single account includes your Yahoo Groups subscriptions, your My Yahoo customizations, and much much more. Basically, anything on Yahoo that requires you to login with your Yahoo ID will be affected by this. (Given that your Yahoo login can also be used as an OpenID login, this may even impact other sites not related to Yahoo! where you use your Yahoo ID to gain access.)
And by "affected" I mean that your ability to access these features will be removed, as will all your data and customizations.
You will not be able to get them back if you later change your mind.
Before you even begin, make sure you know what you're throwing away, and realize that the process cannot be reversed.
Cancel Your Yahoo Account
To begin: visit this link.
You will be asked to confirm your password:
This is so that someone couldn't just walk up to your computer already logged into your account and delete it without your permission.
You'll then be presented with this page:
Read the message carefully. It provides more details about everything that you are losing access to by terminating your account.
Also pay attention to this quote:
Additionally, due to the limited number of names available, we may allow other users to sign up for and use your current Yahoo! ID and profile names after your account has been deleted.
What that means is that some time after you close your account and walk away from it, someone else could come along and create a new account that would have the same email address. Make sure that's okay before you delete. (If not, you need to keep the account open and somewhat active to retain that email address and prevent others from someday getting it.)
Once again confirm your password, fill in the CAPTCHA and click Yes to terminate your account.
Yahoo then displays:
Your account is now gone. Kind of.
Account Reactivation - Maybe
If you try to login again you'll be presented with this:
For a limited time after you close your account you can apparently reactivate it.
Don't count on it.
Don't count on your information still being there if you do. Your data may have been irretrievably deleted anyway.
In short, before deleting your account simply pretend that this option doesn't exist. Consider account deletion permanent, final and not something you can come back from in any way.
I had a Yahoo account that I gave up on but never bothered to close. I checked it after a few months and a friend who I hadn’t heard from in 10 years had written me an email. I recommend you keep it open and check it every month or 2 just in case.
You could leave your account there but with a “Holiday response” set up for a very long time, to let any of your friends know you are no longer using the account.
Listen to the maestro, er… Leo. No need to “cancel” anything. Yahoo allows 10 active eMail accounts at any given time. Just clk on “Members Center” and goto “Manage acct” place your current primary eMail account on your “suspended” list. After 90 days it will disappear. Setup a new eMail address and start fresh. Or just kiss it all goodbye and never go back. We have 2200 unread eMails on our primary acct — “Friends bearing junk” mail. Thought about ditching the address but just haven’t got around to it. For serious, business comm, I use a Yahoo subaccount and keep it cleaned up.
i want my yahoomail id immediately get closed without prolonging it for 90 days as it is being misused badly by someone.please help
The termination page is a “loop” feature. You can NEVER delete an email account from Yahoo. Everytime you put in your password it will state it is invalid. Now you know you put it in correctly or you wouldn’t even have gotten to the termination page in the first place.
Since we can’t merge yahoo accounts, it’d be nice after 90 days after closing the yahoo ID it would be eligible as an alias under another account.
Possibly, but on the other hand, it would be worse if someone else got that email address before you did.
Would you please close my yahoo account
@Paridhi Rai
You have to actually go to to close the account. It can’t be done at or by!
Read the article again and you’ll find out how to manage your yahoo email.