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Edge vs. Internet Explorer
Hi, everyone. I’m Leo Notenboom for There was a report earlier this week that indicated that Internet Explorer is losing market share, which, ultimately, isn’t really that surprising for any number of different reasons, but it dawned me that one of the reasons that it’s losing market share is Microsoft’s own efforts to basically make it go away.
When you think about it, in Windows 10, Internet Explorer is very hard to find. In fact, many people don’t even realize that Internet Explorer is still available in Windows 10. It is part of every install. Microsoft is doing such a hard push for Edge that they’re hiding it; they’re hiding Internet Explorer.
As a result, people try Edge; Edge doesn’t meet their expectation; they don’t know what else to do so they download either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. And it’s those two browsers whose market shares have both been increasing as a result of this push.
I’m sure that Microsoft’s intent was that people would use Edge instead of Internet Explorer if they couldn’t find Internet Explorer, but in fact, all they’ve really done is shot themselves in the foot, because people are looking for alternatives they don’t know exist already on their machine in the form of Internet Explorer, so they’re going out and finding other browsers.
In case you’re curious, here’s a very short video on how easy it is to actually find Internet Explorer and use it, replace Edge if you like, and begin using Internet Explorer on Windows 10.
Apparently a lot of people don’t realize that Internet Explorer is actually still a part of Windows 10. It’s really easy to find even though Microsoft does a fairly good job of hiding it, they also give you the tools to find it.
We’ll just click on the Start menu and start typing … Inte … look at that! There it is right there on the search. What I recommend you do if you want to use Internet Explorer is now right-click on this and pin it to the taskbar, and now you can see down below the Internet Explorer icon has appeared.
If we want to at the same time, we can just get rid of the Edge icon by right-clicking on it and un-pin it from the taskbar. Now, you’re running Internet Explorer whenever you want to.
It really is that simple. Getting Internet Explorer to be visible again is a very simple process but Microsoft has done such a good job of hiding it that basically, like I said, people just don’t know it exists, so if you want Internet Explorer, it’s there for the taking.
Microsoft Edge is presumably going to get updated in the upcoming anniversary edition of Windows 10. One of the big features that honestly prevents me from using it at all is the lack of extensibility and the lack of support for LastPass. I did read this week that LastPass is in fact one of the things that they are adding to it first. The ability for the extensibility module to be used, and LastPass is going to be one of the very first extensions available.
Is that enough? To be honest, I don’t know. I really don’t know. Edge is an interesting beast. I understand some of the reasons why Microsoft might want to move away from Internet Explorer. They’ve tried to do it before and failed. This time they’re replacing it. Whether Edge will win or not is unclear.
I do know that given the year that it’s been out, Edge and hiding Internet Explorer has done more for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox than it has for anything else. So, as always, let me know what you think. What browser are you using on Windows 10, if you’re running Windows 10?
Were you able to find Internet Explorer? Did you even know that it was still there? Here’s a link to this article or this video on You know the drill by now. If you’re watching it anywhere else, please come to This is where the comments are. All the comments are moderated, and all the comments are read. Thanks again for watching and I’ll see you again next week! In the meantime, stay safe, have fun and don’t forget to back up. Take care.
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I quickly found IE in Windows 10 after a very brief excursion into using Edge. Edge is so lacking in features that I use that it is almost totally useless to me. I use Firefox as a backup or alternative browser. Unless Edge is brought up to match features of other browsers, I will never use it.
Exactly the same for me.
I found IE on Windows 10 about 7 months ago when Flash playback started screwing up on FireFox (been fixed). I’m back to FireFox as primary with IE and Chrome as backup. IE is a good browser. I don’t use Edge at all.
I had no idea Internet Exploder was on my w10 machine — I had assumed Edge was simply a replacement. I did use it …long enough to do what I do on EVERY new computer: to download Chrome.
That is so nice! 🙂
So did I.
I am using Internet Explorer as my primary on Windows 10. I knew it was available, from one of your earlier “Ask Leo” emails that I receive. Thank You!. I use Mozilla Firefox as a second, as I am not at all impressed with Edge.
I have internet explorer for my CenturyLink home page because of my CenturyLink email. I use edge for my msn outlook email and sometimes edge for my CenturyLink homepage and email. I notice that when I’m using internet explorer it crashes a lot. and, I do mean A LOT. could running internet explorer and edge be the reason that internet explorer crashes so much ? I also use Mozilla firefox sometimes and it works fine. I also am finding that google chrome seems to have a few problems running on windows 10. I will wait until the anniversary download of windows 10 to see if things improve. do you have any suggestions as to what changes I may or may not consider until then ?
I used EDGE when I first went to Windows 10. No problem with my CenturyLink email initially. Then a major update of 10 in April; then I could not edit or modify emails received. Went to IE and removed that problem. IE frequently shut down, as reported by others. Switched over to CHROME and things are running smoothly.
Contacted CenturyLink; They have no fix for running their email with EDGE.
Thanks, I downloaded Firefox right away for my Win10, but like to have IE for a backup browser, so I just pinned it to my Quick Launch bar–YES, just like in my old Vista, I added quick launch to my Win 7, and in Win 10, too. Love it.
I use Chrome as my Windows 10 system browser mainly because I am familiar with it. I’ve used it since it came out way back when. Every once in a while windows will slip in Edge, but I don’t know just what situations cause Edge to be substituted for Chrome. I had a little trouble getting Chrome to become the default browser when I started with Windows 10, maybe that is part of the problem. Some of the internet bloggers complain about Chrome being a resource hog. That’s not a problem with my Desktop PC with 8Gb of ram. Maybe Chrome and Firefox will have that problem solved if I ever get a laptop. I tried to work around the password manager problem with Edge by opening the password vault and copying and pasting. That was too awkward. It was a little better by using the Lastpass “pocket” but having to load it up every time you shut down got old in a hurry. If you could somehow save the “pocket”… but you can’t.
I have the same problem . I love chrome but most of the time not loading as default . If i turned off the power and re start it comes ??? on the right site bottom pop come and says “Windows not connected ” . If anybody know how to fix this please let me know . I asked Leo but never replied I hope somebody will help me .Thanks.
Like others, I had a look at Edge, couldn’t work out how to use it, and found Internet Explorer which allowed me to download Chrome and Firefox. A friend provides computer support for companies, and when he converts a machine to Windows 10, he installs Classic Shell. As he says, his customers don’t have the time to relearn the operating system, they are too busy trying to make money.
“his customers don’t have the time to relearn the operating system”
I don’t get that statement. We just got a new computer for the church and of course Windows 10 was pre-installed. It took me hardly anytime to figure it out because it works almost the same as Windows 7. Sure it looks different, but the reality is that it works the same as Windows 7.
Click the Start menu and start typing the name of the program you want to use or the file you want to find. That’s the same both in Windows 7 and 10. In fact 10 is better because if what you are looking for is not on the computer, it will start a search of the internet. That’s convenient.
Click the Start menu and you will find your most frequently and recently used programs as well as programs that you’ve pinned to the Start menu. That’s the same both in Windows 7 and 10. The difference is that in 7 it’s just a list. In 10 it’s a tile. Big deal. In fact, I can rearrange the tiles in 10 to make things easier to find, yet in 7, it’s more difficult to customize the Start menu the way you want it.
Shortcuts can be on the desktop or pinned to the task bar. The the same both in Windows 7 and 10.
Sure, some of the settings are harder to find in 10 than in 7 because they are in different places and the way you access those places is different, but clicking Start and typing what I was looking for, easily found the setting I needed to change. But most settings are one-time setups, so it’s not that big a deal that they are harder to find.
In fact, I have to question why anyone would pay someone for computer support when the person is too lazy to learn how similar and what the differences are the two operating systems are. If you don’t use Windows 10 the way it was designed, you won’t learn it. What use are you in computer support, if you don’t learn the new technology? Do you ever listen to Leo when he says that he has machines and virtual machines of all flavours so that he can help just about anyone? That’s the kind of computer support that’s worth the money.
“It took me hardly anytime to figure it out because it works almost the same as Windows 7.” – Yup, agreed. It’s really a case of the same old same old. If you can use Windows 7, you’ll have no problems whatsoever using Windows 10. As you say, the settings have been moved around somewhat, but everything is still extremely easy to find. Yes, there is a learn curve, but it’s so gentle as to make for a very, very easy climb.
I am not so sure I agree with the search functionality of Windows 10…Yes for the most part it is easy to use. However, most of my office I find do not want to touch Windows 10 because they cannot find their documents. I do like the thought of the search in the windows menu and the ability to search under ‘my stuff’ or ‘search the internet’; BUT when I am looking for a document on my desktop that it cannot find??? Not so sure about it.
I have tested this multiple times, and for some reason a document I use frequently (.xls) and save on the desktop, Windows 10 cannot find.
Personally I agree its a ‘gentle easy climb’; just wish I could encourage folks to try.
Pin the documents folder to the start menu.
I pin all my folders and programs that I use to the start menu after taking almost all the default tiles off the menu.
Or, as suggested above, install the free program Classic Shell ( and eliminate the learning curve entirely.
Pinning everything to the start menu is exactly the opposite of what you want to do, if you are a veteran Windows user (it’s certainly a poor version of a shell menu like we had to create in the DOS days)
I rarely want to even click on the start button. Occasionally I manage to unpin IE from my taskbar and have to re-establish it from the start menu or find something I don’t normally use or pin/shortcut, but the start menu shouldn’t be the launching point for EVERYTHING. If you have a lot of programs/Apps/folders you should be subdividing them below the Program Files level with shortcuts and folders for your various file types. I have used a master folder for holding files, programs I install on most of the computers I use (and yes, I have them backed up) and various other things I’ve gathered in the last 25 or so years as I set up my own computers from free/donated units (and I’ve tracked down the former owners when I could to return important family images and videos they didn’t realize they tossed out as well). I’ve found gansta rap and baby songs on the same drive (!)…
But I wouldn’t trust the start menu for everything, I don’t use 10 anymore and worked hard to get it back on the one computer that passed the deadline and try to help those poor souls being guinea-pigged and asked to rely on mostly other users solving the same problems for them. Somebody paid outsourced IT workers to finish writing Windows 10 and it really shows. In my condition and at my age I’m figuring I will be dead before support is truly an issue. I still try to help the 10 adoptees out as much as I’m able to.
And I disagree with the gentle easy climb comment. Mail is still not what most people wanted, I’ve heard all the screaming from businesses that were using WLM 2012 as a platform to get information in and out of their business and they had no fallback, even thought they were given plenty of warning, they were mad that ‘Microsoft didn’t even try to fix it’. 10 is not going to work on every computer, it’s not getting respect as a phone OS and nobody wants to spend money to replace their equipment anymore. In that respect, it’s an economic Edsel and not worth the free price (or any) to a lot of folks. A lot of people didn’t even pay attention to the fact the a few of the updates they were getting would start converting their computers to 10 whether they wanted it or not, right in the middle of work when they were unprepared and without an understanding of what to do.
I doubt that even Steve Ballmer could have messed this up so badly. That having been said, I’m not going to stop using Windows, but I’m not going to use 10. 7 is fine, even 8.1 is something I could get used to a little but there is no use for 10.
The point would be that the brick wall of people’s frustration has been run into and they neither get it nor care to deal with it anymore. I think that the current political state in the US would be some example of the proof of that theory alone but of course, I’m really digressing if I go there and I won’t bother, I’d rather rip my records and fix my old bikes.
@Geoff, “install the free program Classic Shell ( and eliminate the learning curve entirely.” Why do you want to look like you are permanently stuck in 2002? That looks to me like someone who doesn’t care about staying up to date. Maybe that doesn’t matter because it’s only your personal computer. Or maybe in your business staying up-to-date doesn’t matter.
I work for a government department. We changed our name twice in the last 20 years and yet I still sometime hear professionals in the industry that we deal with calling us by our name from 20 years ago when they are talking to their clients. What message does that send to their clients? If they can’t keep up to date with our name change, how can you trust that professional that they have kept up to date with the much more complicated legislation in which you are supposedly an expert?
My point is, as stated above, there is no real learning curve, other than where did the settings go. But since we don’t change settings on a daily basis (at least most people don’t), there really is no learning curve.
Classic shell is merely a program which brings up a launch interface which looks a lot like the Windows 7 or XP Start Menu. You still have all the up to date features of Windows 10. If people prefer that, they aren’t missing out on any new features.
Not everyone is as comfortable with change as you seem to be. That’s great for you, but Classic Shell solves a real problem, particularly for people who were forced to upgrade against their will.
The desktop should not be a place to store your documents (I think Leo has an article on that).
Because I use Excel every day at work, I have Excel pinned to the task bar (not the Start menu). For spreadsheets that I am in every day, I right click on the Excel icon in the task bar and pin those documents. So whenever I have to work on something, all I do is right click on the Excel icon on my task bar and I click either a pinned spreadsheet or a recently used spreadsheet. If what I want is not in the right click menu, I open Excel and click on File. By default an even longer list of pinned and recently used spreadsheets and folders is presented, where I usually find what I want.
I haven’t had 10 for very long, so haven’t really been able to check it out fully, but my initial time through, it looked like it would work the same way.
I guess I’m just different. Got a new computer this week, and of course it’s pre-loaded with Windows 10 and of course, Edge is the default browser. I actually thought I would give it a try. It seems to work for what I need it to do. Of course, time will tell for sure. But in the meantime, I’m going to use it and learn the new technology. I haven’t run out to install Classic Shell. I thought I’d give the new technology a try. That’s the only way to learn it. I don’t want to be stuck in 2002 making all my computers look and feel like Windows XP. XP was a fine operating system, but I like the looks of 7 better and so far, the looks of 10 look nice and clean, modern. When I turn on my XP computer, it just looks old fashioned.
I didn’t even use XP until maybe 7-8 years ago and then only when it was on the computer I was given, I had to clean a bunch of stuff off and set it up my way. Vista and IE 9 was a bad deal but Vista started to teach me things I would need for 7. When I did get 7 up and running on my computers (the one XP unit has since died) I was ready.
I firmly believe one of the main reasons you are having problems in IE 11 with loading pages is that when I go look at some pages it seems the default for the page is EDGE. The other main problem is still a ton of FLASH ads etc that have to load first. I have tried to reset thing to make the page load better but the results are not permanent nor do they carry from site to site, if at all.
Microsoft’s worst enemy seems to truly be ITSELF…it’s an attempted suicide of some strange sort.
EDGE = IE 3 on the Yuck! Index
Well I’m 63 (with all my mind left) personally I think windows 10 is great I installed it on 50 PC’s in a training school I look after and not one problem. I put out a short 10 minute training video on each desktop showing the basics, guess what most people didn’t use it. I think most users in business confuse the operating system with the software products they want to use, so if you show them how to access those programs they are happy. No real learning curve. If you get stuck use Cortana. I love using the tiles in start The programs I use are located in blocks I do a fair bit of graphic and audio work so I have a block of tiles with my audio & video programs and another block with my graphic programs, I also have a block with maintenance tools. makes every thing so easy to find and no clutter on my desk top. As for the “browser wars” I use all 4 browsers for different things Edge is useful for research and links to onenote perfectly Firefox when I need to do heavy work like webpage design etc. and chrome well basically for gmail. As for passwords for membership sites etc they are all linked together by xmarks bookmark synchronizer so I can access what I want on any browser. From experience I have found that not one browser fits all needs.
I use the free download Classic Shell with Win-10 without problems. I see the upcoming Win-10 ver 1607 “major” Anniversary Update is moving the Win-10 desktop back to Win-8 style, with its added desktop tile clutter. You would think MS would have learned their lesson losing millions in Win-8 sales because of the idiotic “METRO” desktop layout. Thank goodness for the ever continuing Classic Shell.
Also, Windows Live Mail continues to work just fine under Win-10, although MS says it stopped being supported in Win-8.
The trick to making WLM still work as in Win-7, is to find the WLM executable (or the WLM icon), right click for Properties, and change Compatibility setting to … “Run As Win-7”.
If WLM-2011 is still being used, better to download Microsoft Security Essentials 2012, just to have a more updated WLM-2012. It will update itself without losing settings, accounts, or emails. No problem at all.
Pre-Windows 10, I used Chrome; post-Windows 10, I’ve used Edge. It’s somewhat barebones, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Edge is clean, quick, the Reading View is awesome and the baked-in Cortana integration makes it easy to do quick lookups without needing to open a new tab. The lack of support for extensions is a non-issue for me as I didn’t use any prior to upgrading to Windows 10.
Using Windows 10 Home, I found Internet Explorer on the Start menu and was able to open it by clicking the icon, but when right-clicking the Internet Explorer icon in the Start menu, there was no menu to pin it as shown in your video at 2:30 minutes. Right-clicking any program that comes up in a search has no such menu.
Internet Explorer is not listed in “Apps & Features” or the “All Apps” area of the Start menu (I looked under I, E, and M and didn’t find it). The only way I found to pin apps to Start is to go to Start > All Apps, locate the app; right-click the app, select Pin to Start.
I’m very happy to be using Chrome and Firefox nonetheless.
Shortcuts don’t pin. Have to pin the program itself.
That was probably my problem. There was something I wanted to pin and couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t an option. I finally got it pinned after finding some other route to the program (can’t remember what it was). But that’s probably it. Thanks!
You can pin shortcuts. Simply click on the ellipses and choose “Pin this page to Start.”
I bought a new ASUS PC that is running Windows 10. But, I was able to find IE by running a search, and enabled it . I use both IE and Edge. Although I tend to use IE more and more.
I cannot find IE by any means on my Win 10 laptop. If I use “Search programs and files”, it doesn’t come up; if I click “All programs”, it’s not listed. This may be because I dislike the Win 10 “metro” interface and am using Classic Shell, which makes Win 10 look like Win 7. If I search for “edge”, it immediately finds Microsoft Edge, but entering “internet” or “explorer” does not bring up IE. Strange.
Try looking for “iexplore.exe”
Search for ieexplorer.exe
go t start click on all apps and scroll down to W click on windows accessories it’s the second item right click on it and choose pin to start if you want it on your task bar click on more and then choose pin to taskbar
Interesting, they hid it in Accessories. Typical Microsoft behavior. They don’t have a clue that moving something to “better” folder will confuse 99% of their users. Actually, I think I remember IE being in the Accessories folder in Windows 98 and/or maybe XP.
I had Windows 8 and updated to Windows 10 and Edge never appeared and I still had the IE icon on my desktop but I have used Firefox for years. It’s what I’m familiar with but if I thought something else would be better for me, then I would be willing to try it. Thanks for all you do Leo. Very informative for “dummies” like me.
I cannot understand this. I tried Edge for all of 30minutes after upgrading from 8.1 to 10 back in January. Didn’t like it at all, and had no trouble finding IE – as Leo says, hit “search” enter inte……and there it was. It’s even difficult to describe as hidden !! Are most users so unfamiliar with computers that they can’t work this out? Chrome is probably winning out because every time you use Google there is a damn great button saying “get Chrome”. It’s a no-brainer. Don’t like Google or Chrome, so use IE and DuckDuckGo !
A few years ago Yahoo! was always prompting you to try the new Internet Explorer, that changed and they promote Firefox now. The only problem with that really is that Y! has been dying on the vine since 2002. A lot of incompetence is killing the software and content side of the computer industry, leaving those that have been here a while (38 years!) a bit tired. It’s like they quit trying.
Most people aren’t confident in Windows search and thus are not trained to use it. IE is not present (at least not that I could find) on the apparently misnamed “All Programs” menu where people do look. Not finding it there many assume it’s not on their machine.
I immediately put IE in the Taskbar, but use Opera as my default browser. Generally I use Edge when for some reason I don’t use Opera. Like you, I won’t consider primarily using Edge until it supports Lastpass. When I’ve used Edge, I have liked it and have had no issues with it.
Use Edge and IE on all my PC’s. Chrome also installed as an option to both of these. No real complaints with Edge. It does what I want it to do. Also found that Edge is much faster loading than IE. Note also that windows update no longer available from within IE; perhaps they should remove that as an option on an update. Update ? are they still updating IE ? Just checked update history under Edge settings; nothing for IE since turn of the year unless they are imbedded in the cumulative updates for windows 10.
I found Firefox much easier to use when I was using a Linux Mint version, I used Netscape for many years until version 6 came out and I learned IE 5.5 (only IE I’ve ever seen with an x.5 notation) as it was what I could get to work with the Windows I had then.
Early IE was about as bad as they get. By the time IE 6 came around that was where I would stay. Even after all the obsoleted and unsafe things it had in it that had to be replaced/shut down/replaced with a new browser or even OS, it was at the least a lot better than 3 and 4.
So I’m using Word Perfect 11 to type budgets and make flyers, shoot me but I don’t need better now and I never EVER liked Office. Publisher ’98 and the other suite programs with it were much better than Office, and I’ve used WP since the DOS version 4.2 or 4.3 back in the Stone Ages. I have absolutely no need to send documents in my email anyway…I still have to occasionally fall back on a floppy disk Sony Mavica camera even so I’ve learned how to get a USB floppy drive running on ‘modern’ machines as well.
Not a Luddite, or even Elmer Ludd. Still, I join a lot of people who feel like they have to relearn ‘how to drive’ every time they change the ‘tailfins’. We’ve run out of patience, time and money.
I thought you were going to compare and contrast Edge and IE. I haven’t used either of them unless forced to and prefer Firefox which is pretty well locked down (no cookies-Java-pop ups). When a more “open” browser is required, I use Opera.
I still don’t know the difference between Edge and IE or why I’d want/need to use one verses the other.
It’s too soon to do a true compare contrast. Right now it’s simple: Edge is smaller, faster, and crippled without addon functionality.
Edge seems to have the potential to be a viable browser. Speed is pretty good. But unless and until MS updates it to accommodate extensions, it is useless. You are using Last Pass and I have subscribed to RoboForm for several years and cannot work without it. I hope Edge will be able to accommodate RF when or if it gets an update to allow extensions. MS has been promising an update for many months. So, I have been using other browsers, including Opera, which has speed and works well on many websites, notably Government websites which I work with regularly in Medical Insurance Billing.
The lack of extensions, expecially RoboForm, is what killed Edge for me. It was just too inconvenient to copy and paste my logins and passwords into it every time. Now I only use Edge when Chrome goes crazy (fortunately only for short periods of time) and won’t work right. I do still use IE occasionally if a site won’t work right in Chrome. [, I’m talking about you!]
I find Edge and the latest editions of Internet Explore deplorable. I have used Firefox every since I first got Windows 7, and now with Windows 10 also have Chrome and Opera for backups. IE is also available, but used only when all else fails. Edge – it might as well not even be installed on my computer. Has nothing useful, just like the new Windows 10 OS. Regardless of what anyone else has said, Windows 10 is the hardest, worst designed, most user-unfriendly version ever put out. Search is impossible because it doesn’t “listen” to commands. Give me Windows 98se any day, and you have a setup that never once, gave me a problem that couldn’t be corrected by simply popping the install CD in the machine and reinstalling the set up. Never lost a file or app that I had installed, and the machine always ran like it was brand new. Please tell how to get Classic Shell; maybe it will be make using the computer a fun thing again. Windows 10 certainly hasn’t.
Here’s the article on how and where to get ClassicShell.
For those that cannot find Internet Explorer you may try going to Programs and Features in control panel. Click Turn Windows Features On and Off. Make sure Internet Explorer has not been turn off for some reason.
Your video didn’t include a comment about using Edge’s built-in menu (3 dots in upper right corner) to select “Open as Internet Explorer”. I am curious to know if there is any difference in what’s obtained using that link as opposed to just opening Internet Explorer without involving Edge… In any case, I don’t use Edge simply because my Norton Password Vault isn’t available within it (but it is with the IE option). I use Chrome instead and have gotten used to it (other than Adobe Shockwave crashing frequently). It seems to be more stable than Firefox.
Hi Leo
I have been trying to access Internet Explorer in Windows 10, as I too don’t like Edge and am using Google Chrome as my default browser, mainly because it integrates well with LastPass, but I am having problems. First of all, there doesn’t seem to be a search box. When I hit the start button, I get the Start menu, but no search box. I have tried searching for Internet Explorer through “Ask Cortana”, but that just takes me to links on the internet which, of course, use Edge. I suspect that I may have unticked IE at some stage, but now I still can’t find it even after your (very helpful) article,
What I do is hit the start button, which is the little white window in the bottom sidebar, far left. Then just start typing. Don’t look for a search box. I just start typing and I get Internet Explorer at the top of the list. And then Edge next. Hope that helps.
Don’t look for a search box… if you look closely at my video I just started typing while the start menu was up.
click on start button then click on all apps and scroll down to W choose windows accessories second item is IE explorer right click and choose pin to start or if you want it on your taskbar right click choose more and then pin to taskbar
I stopped using Internet Explorer back in Windows 7 because it was so slow and had too many problems. I tried Firefox and didn’t like it so I ended up with Google Chrome which, I thought, was much better than both. When I installed Windows 10, I didn’t even look for Internet Explorer but continued to use Google Chrome which I still prefer. Of course one reason for staying with Chrome is that it now contains my current internet address book. I have retained Microsoft Edge as my backup for Chrome but it will need to get a lot better before I will seriously consider replacing Chrome.
One of my pension providers will only provide information via Internet Explorer. If I try to access my personal data using Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome, I get “Unfortunately the browser you are using does not have a sufficient level of functionality to support this application”! Fortunately, as an early adopter of Windows 10, I found IE 11 in “Windows Accessories” and now I have a tile in “Life at a Glance”!
Thanks I was wondering what happen to IE
I have been using Chrome for years but from time to time something won’t run on chrome so I switched to IE or Firefox.
Can’t wait for edge upgrade. It seems fast and manageable but lacks many basic needs, such as mentioned Last pass/ Sandbox/extensions etc. As for the inability to print selected text and only allowing full page print is one of the biggest faux pas Microsoft could have made.
Have used edge and explorer side by side since upgrade.
I get only a discussion, not an article on the subject announced by the title
Is it normal????
Thanks a lot
Do you mean you get a video on the article about “Edge Versus Internet Explorer”? If so, yes… that article is a video blog.
Click the “Click for Transcript” button if you’d prefer to read the article the old fashioned way. I do either, depending on how I feel that day, what else is going on in the room, etc.
The transcript may not have been posted when he accessed this web page. It’s up now.
I didn’t think internet explorer was difficult to find after I went to WIN10. I tried it as my default browser for a while but it kept hanging up and not responding on many of the websites I was trying to use. I also tried to use the Edge browser but I didn’t like it either. I have been using Firefox as my browser in WIN10 and it does just fine. I had to upgrade to the latest version of Roboform to install in Firefox but now I am a happy camper. Also I installed Classic Shell because I just do not like the looks of the WIN10 tiles on my desktop. I have been on WIN10 for over two months now and so far all is going well.
I use edge some of the time. I find it very quick and easy to use. The only thing it lacks is not being able to use add ons or extensions. I hate internet explorer, always have, it’s slow and non responsive much of the time.
I did find IExplorer with a search for the exe file… and it is my preferred browser, I also use Edge, I keep the add-ons down in IE to keep it running better… the old issue of too many add-ons slowing it down gets avoided, when I found it would not open a pdf file without an add-on, I tried it in Edge, which does work with pdfs… I do have the Adobe pdf opening software for downloaded pdfs, but a copy/paste of a site pdf to the Edge works good enough. Edge can not do a lot of stuff I am used to doing… to test browser related issues, I do use FireFox… I try to avoid Chrome… the tracking stuff in it is just a bit much…
I was coming from Xp to 10… the only dances with 7 was troubleshooting her 7 machine before she caved to the upgrade to 10.
I try to keep my FireFox relatively clean from add-ons also… So I have all three in my taskbar… I do tend to use Edge more on my tablet, and IE more on the touch screen laptop…
I use both Edge and IE. Edge is still my default and I use it to view daily news and videos, much like a viewer. The web sites that I regularly use I open in IE by using the drop down in the top right and corner of Edge clicking on the ‘Open with IE’. I then drag the web icon to the task bar for convenience. You can only do this for IE and not Edge. I like both for my versions.
I had a new tower computer built by a local shop with a lot of “bang for the buck” and have Windows 10 Pro (64) installed on it. Previously, I had installed the free Windows 10 upgrade to my Windows 8.1 laptop. I like Windows 10, so I was glad to have it on my new computer. I looked at Edge and found it to be completely lame. I installed Google Chrome. I did find Windows Explorer and pinned it to the Start button. I occasionally use it when I have a problem with some web site in Chrome. On my laptop I also use Chrome, but I also installed Firefox as a secondary alternative. I use LastPass on all my computers and devices. So far, I not found or heard of any reason I would want to use Edge.
will never be satisfied with anything other than IE if I could get it I surely would
if anyone can tell me how to get it I would appreciate it. when I first got my my windows 10 I finally got internet explorer but then I had to get my windows reset and I could never get it any more. when I try to go there they just say this window cannot be displayed
Hi Leo, thanks for your insightful comments and articles. I have always empowered IE from the minute I inherited Win 10 on a new computer.
I didn’t know it was hard to find, I booted it up right away. Tried Edge but don’t see the advantage in it so it’s there but I don’t use it. I also have
google chrome which I use for work sometimes and Mozilla firefox which works well and I like but don’t use all the time. IE seems to work for my
everyday browser, thanks BC
I used IE for awhile, then it kinda disappeared, so I started using chrome. Then Chrome wouldn’t retain a userid in one of my most used web sites so I somehow got edge. I actually thought it was IE but it’s not. PC’s always confuse me. I’m an old COBOL dinosaur with a poor memory and while some things are getting easier to use others are getting harder.
“Microsoft Edge is presumably going to get updated in the upcoming anniversary edition of Windows 10.”
Are they going to call the update Windows 11? LoL!
Apparently they are going to keep calling it Windows 10.
No they are not. They’ve stated that repeatedly.
Same like most of the comments – Don’t like Edge, IE crashes and freezes a LOT but there is one website I must use it on and well the freezing almost makes it useless, For my preferred browser I use Chrome now with firefox as a backup, reading as to why IE is hidden away, I don’t see any light of Microsoft fixing the freezing / crashing issue. I just hope the website i use will fix their access to chrome or firefox soon and then will toss the IE
Try the last set of Tuesday patches (the ones that replaced the similar ones from a few months back, that did the same thing for the last set of the same patches)….it works out for a while.
I think the biggest problem with the way Microsoft incorporates Edge is they don’t migrate your favorites and other IE settings into Edge during the Windows 10 upgrade.
It’s easy to import:
I am using both, but primary IE11 because I read RSS feeds in it. The main problem I have is that even after setting IE11 as my default browser, Windows 10 still asks me every time, for example, when I click a link in an email. Even though I select IE11 and check the box that says “always use this app” ever time, it still asks the next time. Annoying!
I use both. I use Edge to go to msn. I find that msn doesn’t crash often when using Edge. However, I use IE for NBCNews, Huffpost, and some other news sites. I find that those crash more often but wonder if it is due to the fact that there is so many add-ons to those sites. The MSN doesn’t have so many compared to the other outlets.
I run BBC on IE and it never crashes but the sponsored stuff and ads are so minimal, I don’t get the slow movement or crashes. Just sayin’….
I found my IE favs in the Edge Hub. Just looks diff but same thing.
On thing you should add, Leo, is how to make IE your default browser when you open a link from, say, an email. Edge automatically opens the link if it is still the default browser.
To change this open IE, click [Alt] to display the IE menu | click the Tools menu | choose Internet Options | click the Programs tab and click Make Default | OK.
Being a Mac person primarily and having used a PC in my work environment, I still like to keep up with the latest in what Microsoft is doing. So in that spirt I use edge because its the newest thing. It does seem to be buggy in that sometimes features work and at other times they don’t.
I use Chrome in Windows 10 as I did in Windows 7. I like it better than Internet Explorer. I have no choice at work; I have to use IE there.
In my opinion (for which Microsoft has never asked, even though I am a tech) the designers of Microsoft operating systems MUST be in their 20’s. Everyone of them is no doubt a genius when it comes to programming and designing software. But Edge and the rest of Windows 10 seems to ignore a very large contingent of their customer base… those over the age of 50. Edge is a marvelous replacement for the aging and vulnerable old Internet Explorer, however most users will never know that. As evidenced by the comments above, rather than attempt to figure out the new browser on the block, they just download Chrome for a more familiar way to do what they want to do. Had Microsoft asked me, I would have told them to have Edge start in a more familiar way, and offer links to instruction on how to modify it to move the search and web address bar down to the middle, rather than the other way around. Also, there would be some kind of instruction on how to save favorites rather than using the star that our elders have grown accustomed to for a use that is 180 degrees backwards from what it is in IE. (Although it is similar to the way the star works in Chrome. Can you say “copy Chrome”?
From a technical viewpoint, Windows 10 and Edge are great, but I get 10 calls a week to ask me to remove it from customers’ computers after it surreptitiously updated all on it’s own. Talk about alienating your own customer base! Usually, after 30 minutes of modification and brief instruction, my customers love 10, even the 80 and 90 year olds.
I’m pretty PC literate, but as soon as I saw I couldn’t use any plug-ins with Edge, especially LastPass, I closed it and never opened it again. Personally, I don’t think the problem is the learning curve. Edge is very simple and intuitive. I’m looking forward to when Edge matures to a point where it’s useful to me and then I’ll see if I’ll switch. I currently use 4 browsers, excluding Edge, mostly Chrome and FF.
The real problem is not the age of the programmers, but the apparent inexperience and the fact that it was rushed out after farming it to foreign developers and all to not look bad by being way behind OS X? that I’d never be using anyway.
As for the early Edge codename of ‘Spartan’ I am sure anything else is an Etruscan and smote it badly.
I’d love to get citations or any kind of proof that it was “farmed out to foreign developers”. To the best of my knowledge nothing’s changed with respect to who works on what for some time (certain long since Windows 7, for example).
Indeed. The claim that development was farmed out overseas is complete hogwash.
Is this information current as of today, June 14, 2016?
I ask because I use two almost identical laptops. This one for “play” and one I use for “work”, i.e. online banking and email.
This “play” laptop works the same as described. Although IE disappeared from the top of the All apps menu under the Most Used heading.
On the “work” laptop a few days ago, Internet Explorer disappeared from my All apps menu where it resided at the top. Windows Accessories also disappeared from the All apps menu. If I hadn’t already pinned I.E. to the taskbar, I wouldn’t be able to access I.E.
The Search box is missing now from the start menu. Cortana is still there at the bottom. Clicking on the start button searches on the Internet for Internet Explorer. The top result is now “Internet Explorer 10 is now available for Windows 7”
The settings menu is also missing from the All Apps menu. To find settings, you have to open “This PC” (formerly My Computer).
I believe last week, Ask Leo said that Windows was going to drop Hotmail from Windows Live Mail.
Well, Windows Live Mail is now completely missing with all of my emails. I started using the Windows 10 Mail App, but it appears to be a cloud-based app because all of the emails since then (since Windows Live Mail disappeared) are still on the server. Since the emails are not being downloaded locally, I have given up using the Mail app and just go online to read and reply to email.
The Mail app looks like it was designed for a smart phone. The part I most want to see, the subject and sender, is now in a tiny window about 3″ wide that cannot be expanded. There is a preview pane (which I always turn off) that is about twice as wide that shows the contents of the email. I can’t turn off the preview pane. On the left side is the folders which cannot be modified either. There is a “More” folder which can apparently be modified. My “More” folder duplicates the mail folders I set up in my Yahoo! server online.
I know Windows Live Mail is still somewhere on my laptop because I right clicked something by mistake and a new mail window popped up using Windows Live Mail. I just can’t find it or my emails. Right now, I can’t remember the path to find it.
Searching online for “what happened to Windows Live Mail” returned no relevant results but I never have any luck searching online, especially with Google.
This article was written 3 days before your comment, so unless things have changed radically in the last three days, then yes, it’s still current. Anyway, you don’t need to find the search box. Just click on the start button, or press the Windows key and start typing inter…
Going back to Edge:
I have had a lot of trouble with Edge attracting malware. This is on the “work” laptop which has never been used to access any website that is questionable, The first time was when I mistyped “Google” and I got a popup saying I needed to upgrade my media player. I closed Edge, but the “warning” kept popping up, usually right after I tried to go to any other website. It also happened when visiting a car parts website. It kept happening when I used Edge, so I stopped using Edge almost completely.
That actually sounds like a legitimate error message and not malware. More than likely Edge hasn’t had it’s default media player set. But doesn’t matter if you like another browser.
Yes, it LOOKED legitimate the first time I saw it. That’s why I clicked the button to close it.
Well, it caused me not to be able to update Norton or run a scan. I had to uninstall Norton and reinstall it then Norton found a Trojan horse.
If it was legitimate, it wouldn’t pop up several times a second preventing me from seeing ANY web page.
When it showed up on the car parts web page, it was off to the side, but would pop up if you got within a few inches of the “warning”. I belong to a car forum and another member reported that he just opened the web site and got malware. I finally figured out it only happened with Edge.
I sent an email about the exact circumstances. If I can find the email on the server, I can post it. I also sent a question to Ask Leo.
I should mention that I was using Edge almost exclusively before I got the malware. I was even telling others that it just took some getting used to and wasn’t so bad once you got the hang of it.
Another thing that upset me about Edge was that after months of using it and carefully saving and organizing favorites, it dumped them all one day. I had saved a shortcut to where Edge favorites are stored on the OS, but that folder was empty as well.
Having been mostly using old computers with XP and Vista over the past few years, I got out of the habit of usint IE a long time ago becaue IE 8 and 9 are obsolete.
I prefer Firefox. I like the controls and seems more customizable than Chrome. (Plus I hate the way Google has and continues to foist Chrome on unsuspecting users with other program installations and/or updates. Plus I don’t like Google’s attempt to rule the data world with Chrome, gmail, GoogleDrive, apps, search, etc. )
I don’t see any point on sticking with IE because it will soon be obsolete. IE 11 will be the last version. Microsoft is not going to update it. They want everone to go to Edge.
Which can’t happen if you are not using 10 (see what they did)?
I fail to see the problem. Then again, it could be that I have not used Internet Explorer for some years. After installing Windows 10 I also installed, among other things, Firefox. Firefox is what I have relied on for several years. I did look at Edge, and saw nothing that would attract me to it away from Firefox. I know that I have not given it a chance. It is just that, when it comes up, it is full of “in your face” animated obnoxious stuff that I would defeat if I ever wanted to use the browser. I have nothing against it, but “No thanks.”
Switched to Chrome while still on Windows 7 over a year ago because IE was crashing WAAAY too much for my patience. When I switched to 10 a few weeks back I had no desire to find IE (or use Edge) or anything else for that matter. Very happy with GC.
Have always loved using Internet explorer, it has all my passwords etc stored and I find it easier to use.
Thanks for the tip
I have not used IE in years and did not even think of looking for it when I upgraded to Win10. Was using Netscape(I think thats what it use to be called) before it became Firefox .
Internet Explorer is also in the Apps Menu under Window Accessories and can be pinned to start menu or taskbar from there.
I use both, Chrome and IE and occasionaly experiment with Edge, just for the heck of it!
Not in my latest update. In fact, Windows Accessories is gone altogether. Under “W”, I have “Weather”, “Windows DVD Player” and “Windows Feedback” (which requires you to be logged in using a Microsoft account).
Under “I”, I have “Insider Hub”
There is no Control Panel in the All apps menu. I have no idea where it is now.
I should mention I have Windows 10 Pro on both laptops. I can’t find the version number. So far, this one isn’t “upgraded” like the other one. I don’t have automatic updates enabled on this one.
Under Windows Update on this “good laptop” are the following uninstalled updates (which I will NOT be installing):
• Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool for Windows 8, 8.1, 10 and Windows Server 2012, 2012 R2 x64 Edition – June 2016 (KB890830).
• Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1511 for x64-based Systems (KB3163018).
• Update for Windows 10 Version 1511 for x64-based Systems (KB3149135).
to find the control panel right click on the start button instead of left click BTW your problem sounds the same as a client of mine and he didn’t use edge only ever used firefox so I don’t think it is related to your browser. you should be installing those updates though. on the laptop you are having problems with try setting up a new user and see if you have the same problems. also on the win 10 forum there is a handy little fixit program that can be helpful.
Or in addition to what Leslie suggests, you can bring up the Control Panel in a similar manner to how Leo mentions starting Internet Explorer. Click on the Start Button or press the Windows key and start typing control panel. It should come up after 2 or 3 letters.
Your right Mark but if Eric’s problem is the same as my clients the search will not work. It’s one of the good things about Microsoft there is more than one way to tackle a problem.
OK. I’m pleasantly surprised, but both of those methods worked.
Too bad neither work for finding Windows Live Mail.
Pressing the Windows key and typing WLM works for me. Let me know if it works for you.
I get two folders: WLMC780.tmp and WLMDSS.tmp.
I get two WLMailSearch.eml results.
lastly, under “documents”, I get Clicking on that did nothing.
I just clicked on one of the search results and a window popped up asking if I wanted to use Windows Live Mail to open it and if I wanted to open all .eml files using Windows Live Mail.
When I opened it, I got an “email” message that only had a few random characters at the top. I was going to open it again so I could type the exact characters but it’s not working now.
I was not given the Windows Live Mail interface. I was hoping I could use that search result to backdoor my way into Windows Live Mail, but wasn’t able to.
I clicked on the .tmp folders and those were both empty.
I wonder if Windows Recovery will let me go back in time.
For some reason, Windows Recovery has never worked for undoing updates under Windows 10 for me. Under previous Windows versions, you could always go back and undo an update.
It sounds to me you don’t have WLM installed. You may have installed it at one time, but it might have become corrupted. Try downloading and installing it again.
Mark, I tried downloading Windows Live Essentials, but it’s not available for Windows 10. I downloaded the installation file before I noticed that Windows 10 was not listed.
Mine was/is Windows Live Essentials 2011.
“Windows Live Essentials requirements•Operating system: 32- and 64-bit editions of Windows Vista Service Pack 2 with the Platform Update for Windows Vista; or Windows 7; or Windows Server 2008 with Service Pack 2 and the Platform Update for Windows Server 2008; or Windows Server 2008 R2. ”
“Windows Essentials 2012 requires the following:
• Operating system: 32- or 64-bit version of Windows 7, or 32- or 64-bit version of Windows 8, or Windows Server 2008 R2.
• Processor: 1.6 GHz or higher with SSE2 support. SSE2 is supported on Pentium 4 processors or newer, and AMD K8 processors or newer.
• Memory: 1 GB of RAM or higher
• Resolution: 1024 × 576 minimum
• Internet connection: Online services require dial-up or high-speed Internet access (provided separately—local or long-distance charges might apply). High-speed Internet access is recommended for some features.
• Graphics card: Windows Movie Maker requires a graphics card that supports DirectX 9.0c or higher and Shader Model 2 or higher. For DirectX 9 hardware on Windows 7, go to Windows Update”
Searching for Windows Live Essentials has one result that looks promising: Windows Live Essentials 2015 for Windows 10.
This is where that search sends you:
WLM started working again after I did the latest update. I love Windows 10, but not the way updates are handled.
I always shut down my laptop at night before gong to bed.
A few weeks ago as I was starting the “Work” laptop up in the morning, I got a splash screen saying something like “your files are just where you left them”. I thought for sure I had ransomware. I had to let it load to see what the demands were, but was pleasantly surprised that my files were not being held hostage.
Leslie, I’m sorry. The problems I am experiencing on my “bad” laptop have nothing to do with the Edge browser. My malware problem was related to the Edge browser. I never had so many infections EVER and I have been to some very naughty websites over the years. The malware I contracted via Edge was on a machine that has never been to a questionable website since I owned it. I set it up as a “work” laptop with the intention of using it only to download email and do online secure transactions.
I guess I segued there because Internet Explorer is missing from the All apps menu and there is no Windows Accessories menu in the latest build. That led me to complain about the latest build and my problems with it. I’m sorry I effectively hijacked the thread.
I just wanted others to be aware that if they can still find Internet Explorer, now is the time to pin it.
PS WLM is going away, MS isn’t replacing it so you will be forced to use some form of Office/Outlook./Windows Mail or something or simply the webmail site, or some other email platform…if you look on you will probably find a lot of people up in arms and totally confused, even though Microsoft sent everyone an email last December about the changes (who doesn’t look at that and think it’s spam?)…not really helpful and a lot of people were expecting them to make the WLM 2012 app work like maybe it ought to.
WLM isn’t going away. Read the article carefully.
The “bad” laptop doesn’t have those updates either. I am installing them now on it.
I am referring to these updates which weren’t on my “bad” laptop either:
• Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool for Windows 8, 8.1, 10 and Windows Server 2012, 2012 R2 x64 Edition – June 2016 (KB890830).
• Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1511 for x64-based Systems (KB3163018).
• Update for Windows 10 Version 1511 for x64-based Systems (KB3149135).
I just logged into my “bad” laptop after downloading and installing those updates. I can happily report that Windows Accessories is back and Internet Explorer is in that folder.
Windows Live Mail is also back and is in my All apps menu by itself. All of my email has returned. Even Hotmail downloaded new email just now.
There are a bunch of apps marked as NEW under the All apps menu. One of the New folders is Windows Live.
I have six machines: one Win 10, two Win-7, three XP. I use the 16GB-memory Win 10 machine to host a virtual machine. I do not use it for surfing, email, document drafting or anything else. Edge is junk and Win-10 is a spy. I have uninstalled most non-security KB updates and disabled Windows update on my two Win-7 machines. In fact with the forced, in-your-face Win-10 update attempts by Microsoft, along with the Win-10-like spyware that Microsoft recently installed on Win-7 machines, I may not turn the machines on again until after July 29th, if then. I am toying with Ubuntu, Red Hat, or SUSE for those two machines. My (backed-up, well protected) XP machines are my mainstays for home use and travel. BTW, have you noticed that you can’t readily uninstall from a Win-7 machine the phoenix-like “Windows-10-preparing” update KB2952664? Microsoft won’t let it happen. Uninstall and it comes right back, even with Windows update turned off. What a lovely company is Microsoft!
You do realize that it’s pretty easy to defeat the 10 conversion (GWX Control Panel, for one example) and that the last Patch Tuesday was really critical in replacing several similar updates that weren’t working well enough regarding several of the problems and exploit possiblilites that they were meant to solve, and they make your OS and browser much more secure and functional? This is what Microsoft has done to themselves, make their customers so scared and paranoid that they won’t even make their computer safer for fear of losing their OS and data.
The real course is to STUDY and be proactive, installing what you need to be safe in the first place. The more you defer is the more people have the chance to hack you.
I upgraded my desktop right at the big conversion and tried edge. The lack of one feature forced me back to explorer. I am addicted to the google search feature on the right button menu while researching. Until I can easily add it to edge, I’ll be a IE Luddite.
I use IE11 because I have the lifetime paid for version of RoboForm 6 and IE is the only browser I have found that it works with. I would change to Edge if it worked with it but it does not.h
For those of us that still use stationery (and I completely understand that the vast majority of computer users don’t even understand what that means especially experts that give advice on the web) Internet Explorer is the only mainstream browser that has the ability to send email with stationery. Even then it isn’t straightforward but it is better than nothing.
I think most understand what stationery is – it’s that most people intensely dislike how most stationery makes email look.
Sadly that just isn’t true. When Steven whatshisname was introducing Windows 7 I emailed him about stationery and he didn’t have clue what I was talking about. I cannot understand how you can find anything offensive in stationery. What don’t you like, the music the pictures?
Those are from a bygone day and give most users the ‘is that a virus’ heebie-jeebies anymore. I to remember all of those things and believe most people just want a message, it doesn’t need to be pretty.
I do think it’s charming that you care to want your email to homespun but those days have gone by.
Definitely the music. Imagine that the baby is asleep and I open your annoying email…
Yes. Both. (ESPECIALLY music – it should never ever auto-play). Together they make emails larger than they need to be, and often much more difficult to read. Ultimately they detract from the content.
Chrome and Firefox are superior to Internet Explorer!
That’s I think personal choice if I’m downloading a program I prefer explorer because it gives me the option to run instead of save then hunt for it in downloads or wherever I put it. so in that regard explorer or edge is superior. Personally I don’t like the way chrome tracks everything you do then keeps bringing up adds that match your searches etc. I use all 4 browsers and in all honesty there are things that each one does better than the other.
I can’t be the only one who knows that, when Chrome downloads a program, a download icon appears below the page that allows you to “Run” it without having to search for it, right?
I use Explorer as my browser but you cannot use stationery with it.
Stationery is not a feature of any browser. It’s a feature of the mail service, or mail program, that you choose to use.
I am sure you are not as ignorant of stationery as you are making yourself sound. With Internet Explorer 11 one can open the HTML file and select send page by email. This opens the default email program, e.g. Windows Live Mail. Then as opening the file in Explorer loses the colour and size of the text, one has to change it in WLM. Then it can be sent as stationery. You cannot do that with Firefox, Chrome or Edge. It can be done with HippoEDIT but that is the only other program I have used and I personally find it easier with Explorer.
But WLM is going bye-bye June 30th and I wasn’t even aware stationary existed since Outlook Express was dropped. Yes, I did use stationary some in the late 90s when I got my first account. We all got to favoring secure over pretty, I think.
If you read the article carefully, you’ll see that WLM isn’t going bye bye, only the feature which synchronizes emails and addresses. WLM will still be able to synchronize emails via IMAP. Unfortunately, for many the inability to synchronize address will be a problem.
Windows Live Mail is NOT NOT NOT going away 6/30. The ONLY thing that’s happening is that it’s support for the proprietary protocol will stop working. Everything else – including normal POP and IMAP access to anything – will keep on working.
To Steven (Different day same one)
I am afraid you are misinformed. Windows Live Mail does not disappear on June 30th. It is only those people that use Outlook as their mail client that will find that they can no longer access WLM from it.
All this talk of Edge and IE11 is strange as Maxthon Nitro is the fastest and Maxthon Cloud Browser is the most comprehensive. Why would anybody use Chrome with all its associated problems?
You are skipping a step. On your computer you must have Windows Live Mail set as your default email program. If that is set differently it will behave differently.
Here is an article that will help clarify that:
I meant to say I use Firefox as my browser but you can’t use stationery with it.
It’s the same answer: As Leo mentioned, ability to use stationery has nothing to do with which browser you use.
Was put off using Edge as Nortons was not compatible with it. Will or has this now changed?
Personally I would stop using Nortons in the days of windows 3.11 it was good but today it causes more problems than its worth.
Yeah, every time I would open Edge, I would get a warning from Norton that Edge was not compatible with the Norton toolbar. That never bothered me because I don’t use the Norton toolbar with IE. I always chose NOT to install a toolbar. The browser window is small enough without everybody’s toolbar taking up real estate.
I just used Edge to download Adobe Acrobat Reader DC and a separate tiny window popped up asking if I wanted to save or run it. I clicked on “Run”. As soon as I did that. a Norton window popped up from the right taskbar saying Adobe Acrobat Reader DC was safe.
(BTW, Adobe now defaults to Adobe Creative Cloud. You have to search for Adobe Acrobat. Adobe has been pestering me to upgrade so I figured it would be a good test for Edge.)
Now that Adobe Reader DC is installed, a tab opened in Internet Explorer saying “Thank you and enjoy Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. ” Yes, I downloaded it using Edge and Adobe thanked me in Internet Explorer.
I have Comcast (AKA xfinity) Internet and they include Norton Security Suite as a free download. With Windows 7, it slowed everything WAY down and sometimes caused my laptop to stop responding. I hated Windows 7 until I tried Windows 8 and realized there was something worse. Vista was slightly worse.
When I upgraded the same laptops to Windows 10, Norton started behaving itself.
Overall, I prefer Windows 10 over any Windows OS since Windows 95 OSR2.
“I downloaded it using Edge and Adobe thanked me in Internet Explorer.” That is normal behavior if your default browser is IE. When a process connects you to a web page, it opens it in your default browser.
We hope that it will change soon.
Solved that years ago, switched to AVG FREE.
Leo IE was easy to find, however the next step should be to make IE the default browser in settings. Love your posts
if I switch to firefox, can I still have yahoo mail and what browser should I use
Leo please ans this for me.
Yes. You can access and use nearly all websites (Yahoo Mail is accessed through Yahoo’s website) with all browsers, with very few exceptions.
Yes you can keep using Yahoo mail. Firefox would be your browser.
I chose OPERA as my secondary browser a long time ago because t that time it was the only browser apart from IE that natively handled .mht files.
When EDGE came along, it did not appear to have a menu (3 dots was an unknown symbol to me) so I mainly use OPERA now.
When I first got my new computer with Windows 8 I went into the Microsoft store near me & they showed me how to get Internet Explorer
I have several browsers I use. One for this, another for that and this one for whatever and I like them all in that they serve the purpose. EI is just one of the bunch. I went from Win 8.1 on a new machine and, at Windows urging, went to Win 10. I had zero problems finding EI. It’s not my favorite, but it serves my purpose.
you should probably add instructions to make IE the default browser. That stops most of the other Win 10 and 3rd-party apps from using Edge as their base.
I scrolled down the comment section until tiring. Why didn’t you add to your video how IE is famous because it has been so exploitable, hackable, and unstable? Isn’t that one of the primary reasons that MS built Edge from the ground up…users were bailing from IE because of the safety factor? Just saying…
Edge seemed to want to take over my life. So its IE or Chrome – both pinned to my taskbar.
No huge differences in functionality for what I do.
I also think Microsoft is trying to trick users into thinking that Edge IS Internet Explorer. The “e” icon for Edge is VERY similar to the IE “e”. I didn’t realize that Windows had updated my 7 OS to 10 and was just clicking on the “e” thinking that I was still in 7 and that it was Internet Explorer. Only after opening the browser and noticing it’s pathetic functionality did I realize that this was Edge and that the Windows 10 upgrade had been done.
Hi Leo,
A couple of things. First, Thank You for all you do!
Second, I am fairly comfortable and savvy around computers and am one of those over-sixty persons who participated in one of your earlier studies. The reason I feel this way is because I have made it my business to take the time to learn. So, in keeping with this desire, I attended a Windows 10 class in my local Micro Center store a week ago. Of the ten people in the class, only one was under sixty- and she was in her fifties. Sad to say that I did not learn much because I knew I had IE11 on my machine and asked the instructor (who said he was in his mid-twenties) how to get rid of Edge. He replied that I couldn’t have it as it had replaced IE. In spite of telling him that I have used it to access sites where Chrome does not work, he maintained his position. (Guess he figured I was just one of those “confused” older guys) I made a comment that I would “just check it out on Ask Leo.”
So, based on the number of people who asked me about “Ask Leo,” you may have six new readers of your newsletter.
PS – Edge is unpinned and IE is back!
I was using Chrome exclusively before buying a windows 10 machine. After that, I kept using Chrome and didn’t bother to look for IE until I had a problem that Chrome couldn’t handle. Then I searched for and used IE. I still use IE sometimes when I need to prove that the browser isn’t causing some problem. IE (in modern times) is a perfectly good browser and I wouldn’t be inconvenienced if Chrome disappeared. But with Chrome available, I almost never have any reason to use IE.
lEO, after enduring the shortcomings of Explorer years ago I switched to Chrome. Ok, so it has it’s own problems, notably with Adobe Flash, but I became seduced by their Bookmarks Manager and the ability to easily layer my own logic into the thousands of Bookmarks I have so I could find them easier. Unfortunately Chrome also has it’s shortcomings by adding bookmarks from my other computers as new folders. Nevertheless, the logic of Chrome Favorites is totally logical and within my control (and I have since forgotten how to even store or retrieve Bookmarks in Explorer. Edge totally eludes me. The logic behind Edge is totally opaque and organization of Bookmarks is a foreign language to me. Two questions: 1) why did MS even create Edge (what is supposed to be the advantage), and 2) why doesn’t MS have a simple and straightforward Bookmarks Manager?
1) A “do over”, presumably jetisoning a couple of decades of old, bloated code to come up with a faster, more efficient (and secure) browser. They’re slowly playing catchup now with features.
2) Many considered IE’s simple and straightforward. There’s no pleasing everyone. MY recommendation is to use a third party platform independant bookmarks manager like xmarks, or or
Edge doesn’t allow for direct icon/links to my favorite websites. I still use Mozilla which is my favorite for years due to IE being so controlling in my choices of search engines, and any other software choices.
My problem is mostly now with an upgrade to Windows 10 from 7. I am having all sorts of issues now and so I will comb your site for help.
Here’s my Win10 “rub of the day” – MS now provides “Windows 10 update history” ( Try to reconcile that list with “View your update history” on your PC… Just another example of “stupid stuff” that MS wastes resources on and confuses users. They must have herds of people standing around with nothing to do.
I find Edge to be horrible. Don’t remember now how I found IE11 was still on my machine, but I found it quick enough and dug it out. Both my Work and Home Windows 10 laptops are upgrades so I think the Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox came back automatically from Windows 7 and 8.1 respectively. My current preferences are in the order: Chrome, Firefox, IE, Edge. But I always pin them to the Task Bar as Edge, IE, Chrome, Firefox.
I help my father (74) and my aunt (71) a lot, and when they got forced on to the Windows 10 upgrade, I set them up the same as mine. My aunt is more dependent, so if I tell her to use Chrome she does. My father still prefers to use IE. They both referred to opening a browser as “clicking on the E”. Now my father clicks on the wrong “E” sometimes and gets Edge instead of Internet Explorer. My aunt will now click on the icon with “the three colors going around in a circle”.
My biggest gripe at the moment is that Windows 10 has certain designated defaults that keep recurring even after I’m sure i have them fixed. Opening PDFs in Edge is annoying. I change the default in Properties and it works for a while, then it reverts again.
You might consider removing Edge from the Taskbar if he doesn’t use it.On his computer you can right click on the edge icon and choose “unpin from taskbar”. If you still want it, you can drag it to another position on the taskbar where it won’t be confused with IE.
Re: Edge vs Internet Explorer
I took the leap and updated a late modelo SONY VAIO to Windows 10 & EDGE. After using EDGE for a few weeks I found it to be not only uncontrollable (cookies, adware, junk left-over files, etc.) but I came to suspect that any number of direct access points to software control were deliberately obfuscated…I simply could not trust what was happening behind the supposed “improvements”. I found the IE and pinned it to my task bar and have not returned to EDGE. I am looking for a better browser that gives me security and control of my data and does not leave a lot of junk that tracks me or requires me to always clean up!
IE 11 is still and already on your machine. Chrome and Firefox are popular alternatives.
Thank you, Leo. A couple of months ago, I had to change my passwords on most of my accounts. I have been using Edge as my browser from the time I have switched to Windows 10. I had problems changing password on one of my credit cards account and I just could not accomplish my task. The browser was freezing and was not moving. I called customer service and I was told to stop using Edge and switch to Internet Explorer. I found it exactly the way you have shown in the video. I managed to complete my task without problems. So, I have both now Edge and IE on my task bar. My son had problems printing his work schedule last night. He was using Edge. He told me there was a prompt stating Edge was not a safe browser. I have shared my experience with him and he had followed my steps successfully. I hate the idea of loosing Edge and I hope improvement is on the way.
I have a Windows 10 phone and I love it. Most of the business companies, banks, do not offer any apps for Windows phones and my understanding is Microsoft will stop supporting Windows phones some time in December. I will have to switch I guess.