Articles in Category:

These are articles that have been migrated from the old “” site but have NOT yet been cleaned up or otherwise updated. They’re here primarily as a reference. We’ll be updating the more important and popular ones over time.

Are 64-bit PCs more secure than 32-bit machines?

64 bit PCs bring more power to computing, but not necessarily more security. It sometimes seems like bigger is always better, but not always.

How can I reuse or erase a "dead" hard drive?

Your options for what to do with a dead hard drive depend on the cause of death, and the possibility of resuscitation.

Does MSN Hotmail or Windows Live Hotmail keep a log of when I signed in?

Web services often log activities and usage information. Exactly how much is logged and what it takes to access the logs is typically not known.

Vista, one year later.

A year after its release, how does Vista look in hindsight?

Can an anonymous proxy service capture my email password?

Anonymous access or proxy services provide a level of anonymity by hiding your IP address from sites you visit. A malicious proxy can do a lot more.

Why do I get "Access is Denied" when trying to copy a file?

Copying a file requires that you have access to both the source file and the intended destination. There are several reasons you might not.

Why can't my machine hibernate? And how's that different than Stand-by?

Hibernate and standby are ways to save power when you’re not using your computer. Each has pros and cons. Hibernation, at least, must be enabled.

What should I back up before reformatting?

Reformatting a machine is a major operation that starts by erasing everything. Having a good backup is critical to preserving your data.

Are you being tracked online?

Advertisers are most likely tracking you, sort of. Should you be concerned?

How do I "shred" individual emails in Microsoft Outlook?

Securely deleting email messages can be important, but doing so in Microsoft Outlook is difficult, though not impossible.

How do I restore my computer back to Windows XP?

After a series of operating system changes, the your options for a true “restore” are limited, and usually involve a reinstall instead.

Can someone find my home address or telephone number from my email address?

Both you and your email provider share responsibility for your privacy. By taking care before providing personal information you can avoid its abuse.

Should I upgrade my Windows Me machine to Windows XP or Vista?

If you have an older machine your upgrade options may be limited; Windows XP might be cheaper, but both it and Vista may be out of reach.

What would you take?

Heading out the door in an emergency that might destroy your home, what do you grab? And will it be enough?

Can I remove the "ServicePackFiles" folder from my Windows folder?

ServicePackFiles contains the files updated by the Service Packs issues since your install. It can be deleted if you have the files elsewhere.

How can I recover files encrypted with Windows filesystem encryption?

The Windows encrypting filesystem ensures that only you can access your files. However if you lose your login account you could have a serious problem.

Why is my IP blocked at a website I visit regularly after I changed ISPs?

IP address blocking frequently has an unintended side-effect: you could end up paying for someone else’s bad behavior.

The problem with blocking a technology

Blocking BitTorrent is an inappropriate knee-jerk solution to a couple of problems.

Can I retrieve a deleted email from three years ago?

Several factors conspire to make recovering a file or message deleted three years ago extremely improbable. Still, there’s an extremely slim chance.

How do I uninstall Windows programs that I never use?

There are several Windows components that don’t show up on the common Add/Remove programs list. Some show up elsewhere and can still be removed.

How do I turn off the Sidebar in Windows Vista?

The Windows Vista Sidebar contains small applications that many find handy any, and others just annoying. Turning Windows Vista’s Sidebar off is easy.

How do I use iTunes music in my videos?

iTunes is a great source for music to listen to, but there are technical and perhaps legal hurdles to use it for anything else.

Why does my computer shout at me?

Windows has many sounds all of which are tied to specific events. Random sounds, including the computer shouting your name at you, is a mystery.

Do you really need anti-virus software?

Common wisdom is that you do, but the answer might surprise you.

Can I get Internet Explorer 7 without using Windows Automatic Update? And should I?

Automatic Update scares some but it’s the primary way most people get Internet Explorer 7. I’m not scared, but I’ll show some alternatives anyway.

How can I tell if my computer's been accessed by someone else, and how do I prevent it?

Internet security is normally about keeping us safe from the internet – but what if the risks and threats are in our home and on our own local network?

Does a file's name matter?

Renaming a file is easy, but is it the right thing to do? The answer is yes, but there are guidelines to keep the file easily usable.

Why am I not getting asked additional security questions when I expect them?

Sitekey is a technique used by many financial institutions to protect your account. How it decides to ask you additional questions can be a puzzle.

Windows tries to be helpful again.

My machine had slowed to a crawl. Why? Windows was “helping”!

How do I change my Windows Live Hotmail password?

Windows Live Hotmail changed the approach you use to change your password. I’ll provided step-by-step password changing instructions for Windows Live.

How do I download my Windows Live Hotmail to my machine?

Windows Live Hotmail has no POP3 or SMTP settings with which to download your mail. However if you use certain mail programs, you can still download.

Do email tracking services work?

Tracking services exist which claim to be able to tell you whether or not someone has opened your email. They’re only half right.

Introducing the iBrick!

If Apple doesn’t approve of what you’ve done to your iPhone, watch out!

How do I make my own secret question with MSN Hotmail or Windows Live Hotmail?

Windows Live Hotmail uses a fixed set of secret questions. You can’t change which you’ll be asked but you can fake it by changing which one you answer.

Why am I getting some "Passport" login screen when I click on a "contact us" link?

Web page mail links start the default mail program. If that’s Hotmail you’ll need to login. If you don’t use Hotmail, you’ll need to do something else.

Is it normal for an IP address to change from time to time?

If you connect to the internet as most users do your machine will be assigned a dynamic IP address that can change without notice, or any real effect.

How do I prevent my blog posts from being copied?

Internet content theft is rampant. Prevention is nearly impossible, but there are steps to control it, and perhaps even turn it to your advantage.

What does "leaving a secure internet connection" mean?

One of the ways that hackers gain access to valuable information is to eavesdrop on internet connections. It’s important to know if you’re secure.

Why is there more than one "RECYCLER" folder on my machine, and why don't they all empty when I empty the Recycle Bin?

Windows tries to help protect you from accidentally deleting files with the Recycle Bin. How the Recycle Bin appears on disk can be a little confusing.

Web Advertising: good or evil?

Advertising powers the web. Is that a good thing, a bad thing, or just an annoyance?

MUST I upgrade MSN Messenger to Windows Live Messenger?

MSN Messenger and Windows Live Messenger users are being told they must upgrade. We’ll look at why, and what some alternatives might be.

How do I get rid of this infection that keeps coming back on my machine?

It’s frustrating to go through the steps of cleaning your machine of malware only to have it return almost instantly. We’ll look at possible causes.

How should I keep my hard drive clean and working at its best?

Hard drives can last a long time if properly cared for. More often than not issues result not from hardware, but from easily managed data and software.

Why am I getting instant messages from people I don't know?

IM users often deal with IM spam similar to email. At least one solution that’s cumbersome in email works well in IM, and should be your default.

Did Microsoft go too far this time?

Windows Update Automatic will update itself, even if you’ve turned automatic updates off. How bad a thing is that?

How do I stop someone from using or voting from my IP address?

Many online polls and voting tools use your IP address to keep track of the number of votes you’ve made. Unfortunately that technique is flawed.

Which takes more disk space: backing up, or copying files? And how much?

Backing up properly can take up a fair amount of space. Exactly how much space a backup will take depends on several factors.

Is Office 2003 compatible with Windows Vista?

Various issues are leading people to wonder if Office 2003 will work on Windows Vista. Yes, it will. We’ll look at some of the possible problems.

What are all these other pictures when I view emailed photos?

When viewing photos emailed as attachments your image viewer may also show you lots of other images as well. It’s all about where things are on disk.

Are forced upgrades a bad thing?

Like Hotmail users, sometimes you have no choice but to upgrade. Sometimes that’s ok, sometimes not. But you should expect it.