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Will the new iPad3 have Adobe Flash?


Do you think that the new iPad 3 will have Adobe Flash? If not, should I
leave the iPhone or iPads alone?

In this excerpt from
“Answercast #10
, I look at the uses of Adobe Flash, consider the
ramifications of it being replaced by HTML5, and give my take on the direction that
Mac/Apple/iProducts may go.

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So, I normally don’t deal with Mac/Apple/iProducts, but I did at least have
an opinion on this one.

My guess is that no, iPad 3 will probably not have Flash.

For whatever reason, Apple seems to have taken a pretty hardline stance
against it.

Should I get an iPhone or iPad?

Now, whether or not that rules out the iPhone and iPad for you really
depends on how you plan to use the device and just how dependent you are on
things like Flash.

One thing that folks should realize is that Flash is, for many things,
slowly being replaced with features that have been added to HTML5.

Many of the things (I think YouTube falls into this bucket right now) that
appear to be Flash-reliant are actually able to run on iPhones and iPads just
fine, because they’re relying on HTML 5 instead.

So, it really boils down to how you expect to use it (what kinds of things
you’ll be using it for) as to whether or not Flash is a deal breaker for

Next – Can I replace my LCD screen from one laptop to another?

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