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Webinar #5 – Tools Sampler

Webinar #5 - Tools Sampler - was held Sunday, October 16th.



Titles will link to specific articles created from the video segments as they are made available.

Having just reinstalled Windows 7 from scratch on my primary machine, in this webinar I'll briefly demonstrate some of the tools that I install first - tools that I either rely on or find so useful that I want them installed right away.

I may not get to all of the items in the time that we have. I also have to reserve the right to change my mind Smile.

As usual, there will be a planned pause between each segment to allow my video-editing assistant to cut things into separate chunks.

If you have questions about how webinars work, or how Ask Leo! webinars work, have a look at this article: How do I attend one of your webinars? (And what's a webinar?)


If you missed the webinar, keep coming back to this very page. The agenda items that I covered above will eventually become links to articles that contain the recorded video segments from the webinar. More on that here: How do I view your past webinars?

If you have technical questions, please ask them here on the ask-a-question page.

If you have general comments about the webinar, ideas for future topics or thoughts about what would work better, please visit and drop me you thoughts there. I can't promise to respond to them all, but I definitely read them all.

Next Webinar

Future Webinars

Rather than hide them somewhere, here are some ideas that have been suggested for future webinars or things that might make the cut if we have enough time:

  • DropBox as a file sharing and backup utility

  • Google Reader and RSS RSS is not well understood, but it's a powerful tool to manage information flow.

  • Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, Google+ - What are they, how do they work, and do you care?

  • Do you need a swap file? - It depends. I'll review what it depends on.

  • Using search effectively - Many people don't. It's a skill that makes using the internet a heck of a lot more enjoyable.

  • Enlarging a photo received in email - How to do it when it's possible and why it usually isn't.

  • Document organization - My Documents, but then what? Using folders, naming conventions, and other techniques to keep track of what's on your computer can be simple.

  • Setting a default mail program - How to change what happens when you click an email link or click "Send To".

  • Master of your own domain - Domain purchase, website hosting, and setting up your own email address.

  • Removing a bad virus - Demonstrate one of the more common sequence of steps to remove a bad virus.

Feel free to suggest more!

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