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Web Advertising: good or evil?

Advertising powers the web. Is that a good thing, a bad thing, or just an annoyance?

Become a Patron of Ask Leo! and go ad-free!


This is Leo Notenboom for

One of Firefox’s most popular extensions is called “Adblock”. It does
exactly what it’s name implies: blocks ads from appearing on web sites when you
visit them.

As you might expect, I have mixed feelings.

I’m certainly all for maintaining control of your own computer, and there’s
a certain righteousness in saying “it’s my computer and I didn’t ask for

Unfortunately for many sites, ads are part of the implied contract. You get
to view content for free in exchange for advertising being presented along

Without web advertising many sites like Ask Leo! simply wouldn’t exist. The
fact is that it costs time and money to run a website of any popularity, and
advertising foots the bill.

The usual alternatives mentioned include donations or subscriptions of some
sort or even product sales of some sort. There problem is that these are really
just other forms of advertising, and rarely raise enough money to actually
cover costs.

In my opinion, blocking ads is in many ways a slap in the face of people who
are trying to provide useful information on the web.

Now, I totally understand that there are web sites what go way
overboard in the quantity and obnoxiousness of the ads that they present.
Garish ads, popups, pop-unders, and the like often border on the horrific.
Sites that use this type of advertising are probably the leading cause of ad
blockers being so popular. In my opinion they’re not only doing themselves a
grave disservice, but they’re also hurting the rest of the web ecosystem at the
same time.

My approach to advertising has always been to try and keep it somewhat low
key and not overwhelm my visitors with it. Programs like Google’s Adsense,
which provides ads that are actually targeted to the content on the page,
occasionally even become a true value-add as a visitor learns of a product
that’s related to the very question he or she has.

The down side of the low-key approach, though, is that occasionally people
mistake the ads for recommendations on my part, which of course they are not.
If I recommend something, it’ll say so in my content. On rare occasions you’ll
see my name in an ad that is a formal recommendation.

Advertising can certainly be abused and seriously over-used by web sites.
But if you find a website’s advertising that annoying, the right solution in my
opinion is to vote with your feet – leave and don’t come back.

If enough people did that instead of blocking ads, the drop in traffic might
give the website owners pause to rethink their strategy.

I’d love to hear what you think. What alternatives would you suggest for a
web site to stay in business if not advertising?

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Till next time, I’m Leo Notenboom, for

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4 comments on “Web Advertising: good or evil?”

  1. I’m old enough to remember a long ago medium called a newspaper. Every page seemed to be filled with ads. Granted, they didn’t flash, make noise, install spyware, etc. But computer users can use the same technique we old-timers used to use… ignore the ads you have no interest in or read the ads if you do have an interest. And if you’re really interested, you could even respond. Simple and effective. 🙂

  2. I understand your point Leo but do you skip the commercials when you watch your DVR or go to the bathroom during a live viewing when the commercials come on? If so, you are really skipping the same ads you complain about your readers skipping.

    Hash: SHA1

    I do fast forward though commercials. Just like I don’t read all the ads in a
    newspaper, or on all the web sites I visit. (Though I have *stopped* fast
    forwarding to see an ad that looks interesting.)

    What I *don’t* do is create a video tape (or other version) of a TV show where
    the ads never appear.

    The TV/commercial comparision isn’t perfect, but I consider fast forwarding the
    same as seeing but not reading. Blocking the ads is more like removing them
    from the original material so you don’t even have to fast forward.


    Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)


  4. I gave up commercial radio and TV 30 yrs ago.
    I am willing to pay for newsletter subscriptions such as Leo’s though I am on fixed income.
    I cannot tolerate advertising.


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