Articles tagged: WebOnly
Ask Leo! and Facebook
Facebook holds you for ransom. Facebook doesn’t show you all the posts from pages you follow unless those pages PAY for the privilege of being seen more widely. Facebook is also now randomly and capriciously taking down legitimate posts for so-called “policy violations”.
How Do Websites Keep Passwords Secure?
A high-level overview of how websites and services should store passwords security, so next time there's a breach you'll know what to look for.
Dialing Back Social Media
Facebook is holding you for ransom. Sign up for Confident Computing via email instead.
Should I Take the Flash Update I’ve Been Offered?
Adobe Flash player is dying dead and should be avoided. I'll explain why you should be cautious if you think you still want it.
Could a Built-in Tracking Device in My Laptop Detect My Tor Browsing History?
Malware can do anything, but malicious hardware can do even more.
Content Re-Use on Ask Leo!
A behind-the-scenes rundown on all the different ways a single Ask Leo! article is re-used, recycled, and re-purposed.