Articles tagged: local account

Switch to a local account The contents of this PC are encrypted to protect your privacy if this PC is lost or stolen. Windows automatically stores your recovery key with your Microsoft account. Before you switch to a local account, you should back up a copy of your recovery key. If anything happens to your PCI you'll need your recovery key to sign in and access your important files and photos. To back up your recovery key, close this dialog box and use the Search charm to search for "device encryption." Tap or click "Manage BitLocker' and then follow the backup instructions for each encrypted drive on your PC.

How Do I Switch to a Local Account Sign-in for Windows?

Windows 10 and 11 setup want you to log in with a Microsoft account. I’ll show you how to restore a local account sign-in.

Balance scale with Local and Microsoft at opposite ends.

Local Accounts Vs. Microsoft Accounts: Which Is Better?

Local and Microsoft accounts both have pros and cons. I’ll explain so you can decide which is right for you.

Add somone else to your computer.

How Do I Create a Local Account in Windows 10?

The ability to create a local user account on Windows hasn’t been removed; it’s just not obvious where to find it.

How Do I Go Back to a Regular Account after Updating to Windows 8.1?

After updating Windows 8 to Windows 8.1, many users find that they must now login to their machines using their Microsoft account. I’ll show you how to switch back to logging in with a local account as you did before.