Articles tagged: Keyboard Tips

Permanent Delete

Tip of the Day: The Difference Between Delete and Shift-Delete


Tip of the Day: CTRL+ALT+DEL

Old Task Switcher

Tip of the Day: ALT+ALT+Tab to Switch Programs

Windows ALT+F4

Tip of the Day: Exit Windows Using ALT+F4

File -> Save (CTRL+S)

Tip of the Day: Save Early, Save Often, with CTRL+S

Snap a window to the left

Tip of the Day: Side-by-Side Windows


Tip of the Day: CTRL+A, CTRL+C, CTRL+V

Touch Keyboard

Tip of the Day: Use the Virtual Keyboard


Tip of the Day: Redo the Undone (and Maybe More)

Spacebar Push

Tip of the Day: Scroll a Webpage with a Space

Tip of the Day: Hit Refresh

Keyboard Selection

Tip of the Day: Shift-Selection

Windows Magnifier

Tip of the Day: The Magnifier App


Tip of the Day: ALT+Space

Tip of the Day: CTRL+SHIFT+Enter for Admin

File Explorer Views

Tip of the Day: File Explorer Views

A Restored Window

Tip of the Day: Maximize and Minimize From the Keyboard


Tip of the Day: Task Manager in a Keystroke

Tip of the Day: Lock Your Computer

Windows Key + I

Tip of the Day: Open Settings with a Keystroke

Tip of the Day: ALT+Tab and Win+TAB

F12 for Developer Tools

Tip of the Day: F12 for Developer Tools

Running Terminal as Admin

Tip of the Day: CTRL+SHIFT+Click on a Shortcut

CTRL+F Search in Chrome

Tip of the Day: CTRL+F to Search

Win-Tab to switch apps.

Tip of the Day: Win+TAB to Switch Apps

Power users menu in Windows 11.

Tip of the Day: Win+X for the Power User Menu

Print menu item with keystroke

Tip of the Day: CTRL+P to Print

Start Menu

Tip of the Day: CTRL+ESC for the Start Menu

UAC - Yes

Tip of the Day: Drive UAC with the Keyboard


Tip of the Day: Admin in a Keystroke

Multiple Tabs

Tip of the Day: Reopen a Closed Tab

Downloads in Edge

Tip of the Day: Find Your Downloads

High Contrast offer

Tip of the Day: High Contrast in a Keystroke

Cut, Copy, and Paste

Tip of the Day: Move and Copy Files Using the Keyboard

TAB Key in Action

Tip of the Day: TAB Through Fields

Toggle Keys option

Tip of the Day: Get Notification When Caps Lock is Toggled


Tip of the Day: F5 for Refresh

Task Manager in a Keystroke

Tip of the Day: Task Manager in a Keystroke

The Enter Key

Tip of the Day: the Many Uses of Enter

Using the Start Menu via the Keyboard

Tip of the Day: Drive the Start Menu with Your Keyboard

Page Down and Page Up

Tip of the Day: Page Up and Down

Move the Window Without Clicking

Tip of the Day: Move Windows Without Clicking

State Selector

Tip of the Day: Zip Through Drop-Down Lists

Keyboard Keypad

Tip of the Day: ALT Keyboard Characters

Settings -> System Information

Tip of the Day: System Information in a Keystroke

Pasting with and without formatting.

Tip of the Day: Paste Without Formatting

Windows Logo - Monochrome

Tip of the Day: Windows Key Shortcuts

A New Tab opened in Edge

Tip of the Day: CTRL+T to Open a New Tab

F11 Maximize

Tip of the Day: Maximize the Browser with F11

File Properties displayed in File Explorer

Tip Of The Day: Three Useful Windows File Explorer Keyboard Shortcuts