Articles tagged: IE
How Do I Clear The Browser Cache in Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE)?
Clearing the Internet Explorer cache is a simple process. While you're clearing the browser cache you can also clear a few other items.
How do I view cookies in IE 11?
View cookies in IE using the normal easy-to-remember way, or the quick way.
Internet Explorer crashes, how do I fix it?
IExplore.exe, aka Internet Explorer or 'IE', can crash, but it's not always its fault. We'll look at some of the things that can cause IExplore.exe to crash, and steps you can take.
How Do I Reinstall Internet Explorer?
Internet Explorer is a Windows component masquerading as an application. As a result, reinstalling IE isn't completely possible. I'll review what we can do to get close to reinstalling Internet Explorer.
Why Is AVG Telling Me IE Has High Memory Usage?
High memory usage by Internet Explorer can result from several different things. I'll review the most common.