Articles tagged: backups
How to Back Up 1Password and Why You Should
Backing up is important, and that includes your password vault.
How Long Should I Keep Backups?
Backups are critical. But for how long? I’ll look at how long you might want to keep backups, why, and how long I keep mine.
Are We at Risk of Losing Our Digital Information Over Time?
Technologies change, media wears out, and hardware that we once took for granted becomes difficult to find. How does all this impact the archives of our digital lives?
How to Back Up Windows
Using free and included tools, here’s how to back up Windows and all your data in eight easy steps.
Dealing With Proprietary Backup Formats
If your backup program writes to a proprietary format, you may not be able to access it decades from now. I’ll discuss how to prepare.
Backups ARE Security
Don’t overlook backing up as part of your security. When the worst happens, it’s your backup that will save you.
How Do I Back Up an Encrypted Container?
Backing up is critical, but exactly how you back up your encrypted container data depends on how secure your backups are.
When Backups Might Not Save You from Ransomware
Ransomware is known for encrypting your data and holding it hostage. It turns out that it can do more that backups won’t protect against.
What Is Your Most Trusted Method of Backing Up?
Backing up is important. Knowing which tools, techniques, services, and even advice to trust can be a challenge.
Let’s Get More People to Back Up
Nothing can prevent or side-step issues like properly configured backups. In this overview I want to encourage more people to back up. You can help.