Articles tagged: answercast 144
Why Does Email I Send to a Large Contact List Bounce so Often?
You're not a spammer, I know that - but you're acting like a spammer. And there's your problem.
Is an external hard drive better for backing up than DVDs?
DVDs can be a clumsy solution for backing up - especially if you want to take a full system image. It's much better to go for an external hard drive.
Is it OK to not click on the show images button in email?
Often images are used by newsletter providers to track how often emails are read. Yes it's tracking... but is it something you need to worry about?
What about all those cash machines running Windows XP?
The end of support for Windows XP could create security concerns way beyond personal machines. What about banks, and small business systems?
How Do I Access Email Stored in Outlook Express on Windows 8?
One of the problems with Outlook Express is difficulty in exporting data. Your best bet is to find a more recent software to help with the migration.