Articles tagged: answercast 117
Why is Windows using more memory over time?
It's best not to read too much into available memory. Windows memory management is the stuff of nightmares even for the people who understand it. For the rest of us, it’s just magic.
Can I replace my processor with a faster one?
Replacing your computer's CPU will depend on your motherboard. But there is actually another option to get more speed.
How Do I Keep My Computer from Being Hacked at Night?
Hacking attempts happen all day long. You really need to protect yourself 24/7. Fortunately, there are several steps that you can take to stay safe.
Why Is My Computer’s Fan Coming On?
You've checked for dust, but the computer is still running hot. I'll point you in the direction of a few more things that could be causing this heat wave... including a heat wave itself.
Does an Unstable System Imply a Hardware Problem?
System instability is often the result of what we call "software rot." It can be the result of installing and uninstalling lots of programs - and the cure isn't easy.
What Determines the Transfer Speed on My Home Network?
The communication path between two end points will be the slowest piece of the connection path. That will be the maximum speed that you can achieve on any network.
Should I upgrade to a 64-bit operating system?
You may want to switch to 64-bit just for the speed that comes from being able to use all of the RAM on your computer. Ultimately, it comes down to what you use your machine for and your own time and resources.