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Testimonials & Recommendations

Of the tens of thousands of tech websites, our favorite for answers to tech questions -- in plain English -- is

Leo Notenboom has a passion for computers and has been in the personal computer and software industry since 1979. He spent 18 years (starting in 1983) at Microsoft. He's been answering tech questions at Ask-Leo since 2003.

We refer people to his site every day -- because it's so good.

For the past few years, Leo has been publishing an excellent email newsletter. Each week he shares his latest articles, podcast, as well as useful sites, resources and other interesting stuff. You'll also find a little commentary and humor.

We highly recommend you check it out and subscribe:

Most of us have personal computer questions and it's not too hard to get answers. What is hard though, is getting an answer from someone qualified, thoughtful and reasoned. And a constant stream of good answers, for free, is too much to hope for.

Unless you know about Leo.

At his web site, Leo Notenboom answers computer questions from anyone. Each week he answers a handful of questions, and, if you subscribe to his free newsletter, you get a weekly email with the current weeks questions. He can't answer every one, but he tries his best.

Computer nerds don't really have an equivalent of the board certification that doctors do. Still, Mr. Notenboom previously worked for Microsoft, which should count for something. And as they say, it takes one to know one, so trust me, Leo is more than qualified to answer your tech questions. Maybe he already has.

(Courtesy of Michael Horowitz)

Ask Leo is THE place to go if you have questions - any questions - about your PC or other home computer issues. Even seasoned professionals find the answers they need at Ask Leo (in fact, I often ask Leo myself, and he always has the answer!) It's actually astonishing that Mr. Notenboom gives this information away, as I am sure that he has saved users thousands of dollars over the years that they would have otherwise had to have paid to find out what is wrong with their computer, or to have had it fixed.

Bio & Segues

Full Bio, and link to resume, is here: Who is Leo?

Leo Notenboom has been in the tech industry for nearly 30 years. After retiring from an 18 year career as a Microsoft Software Engineer Leo went on to create Ask Leo!, a free web site where he answers real questions from ordinary computer users. In addition to answering tech questions, Leo also maintains a number of web sites for a very limited client�le.

Get more free tech help and advice from Leo Notenboom by visiting With over 30 years of industry experience, including an 18 year career as a software engineer with Microsoft, Leo gives real answers to real questions from ordinary computer users at Ask Leo!. Subscribe to Leo's weekly newsletter now and receive a free ebook: "Internet Safety - Keeping Your Computer Safe on the Internet", a collection of steps, tools and concepts you need to know to keep your computer and your information safe.


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