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Podsafe Music, and the Internet Economy

The podcast has new theme music - I explain why, and how.

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On or two of you may have noticed that I've started using new intro and background music for my podcasts. My previous theme was a snippet of "Mammagamma 4" from last years Alan Parsons album "A Valid Path"...

... audio snippet ...

There's a lot of confusion on-line about what is, and what is not, considered "pod safe" - meaning what's ok to play in a podcast. While my snippet supposedly falls under "fair use", there's enough confusion around what record companies, the RIAA and national and international licensing organizations are doing that I began to feel more and more uncomfortable using it for my little, commercial, podcast.

And what I'd originally wanted was the theme from "Naked Gun" anyway...

... audio snippet ...

But I could never find a good recording, and my midi file sounds like... well, it sounds like a midi file.

Even perusing the "pod safe" alternatives, it was difficult to find something that I liked, and that had a clear statement of licensing commercial use, or reasonable terms.

Several weeks ago I stumbled across a service: As it's name implies, podcast themes create original theme music for podcasts. If you visit the site, you'll find themes for several popular podcasts.

Including Ask Leo.

... audio snippet ...

There are free themes, of course, but for a reasonable fee you can have one created that's yours to use as you see fit, without concern for record company or other lawyers.

In my opinion, it's a great example of how the internet in enabling new, creative and profitable ventures for all concerned. I get a theme to call my own, and gets a reasonable fee.

Next up? I'm off to to get a new logo for my site. The internet economy, at work.

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