I want to thank you for responding to my question “What’s the biggest issue that you have when it comes to backing up?” last week in my post titled “A Different Approach to a Book About Backing Up“. The response was both awesome (as in awe-inspiring), and to be honest, somewhat overwhelming.
As I write this, there are well over 200 comments on that post. A few of those are my responses, but even so, it’s almost certainly a one-week record, or at least very close to it.
I’m still processing the results, but one thing is immediately clear: the terminology around backing up is a huge problem.
As result, I’ve been inspired to put together a little something for you: a free video presentation series1 entitled “What Those Words Mean – Clearing Up Some Backup Confusion”. You will need to sign up to attend the series, and you can do that right now: click right here. (You’ll also get a peek at the final un-obfuscated cover of the book I’ve been talking about. 🙂 ). The first video in the series is available immediately.
I’ll keep you updated with occasional news on the book’s progress, as well as sharing a few other goodies.
As the title of the series implies, I’ll go over the most common and confusing terms related to backing up. Rather than just do a boring write-up (though I may do that later, but without the boring part) I’ll take a few minutes at my whiteboard and talk, show, and illustrate what some of the various terms mean. I think it’ll help clear up a LOT of the confusion – and maybe some of the intimidation – that might be preventing you from protecting your valuable data with a proper backup.
Sign up now and I’ll see you there!