I can’t install the 2012 edition of Avira personal, free, anti-virus on my
PC because it requires Windows XP, SP3, 32-bit or higher. I’m still using XP,
SP2, 32-bit and I’m not planning to upgrade in the short run. My question is:
what alternative free, anti-virus software (2012 edition) do you recommend to
run on Windows XP, SP2?
In this excerpt from
Answercast #32, I look at a system that has not been upgraded to SP3 from
SP2 and the security implications of keeping the older system.
Protecting XP SP2
You can try Microsoft Security Essentials. It’s very possible that they also will require SP3, but that’s what I would start you with. If that doesn’t work, I’d probably have you look at something like ClamWin because (if I understand it correctly) they even still support Windows 98.
Upgrading is recommended
In reality, my real recommendation is something entirely different:
My real recommendation is that you give serious consideration to installing Windows SP3.
There’s a reason that a lot of these manufacturers, and quite possibly Microsoft themselves, are requiring SP3 as a baseline for their products to be supported.
SP3 added significant security enhancements to the operating system.
You want those fixes!
Security upgrade
So, I’m not sure what’s keeping you from upgrading to SP3; but ultimately, I would strongly recommend that you consider it.
Backup first in case there’s a problem, of course.
Then, go down the path of whatever it might take to get you to SP3.
Then, the question of prerequisites for something like Avira go away. Obviously:
You’ve met their prerequisites by installing SP3
But more than that, you’ve increased the security and overall stability of your system with SP3.
End of Answercast #32 Back to – Audio Segment
Running MSE with only SP2 has been smooth. Still, I realize the need for an upgrade. I´ve tried several times to install SP3, but it always fails, even if I temporarily shut down the firewall and MSE. Advice much appreciated!
I believe Clamwin will work on older systems but it doesn’t have a real time scanner.