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I Love My Treo

I geek out a little and gush about my Treo … from the pasture?

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OK, I’m going to geek out a little here. Friends that know me have heard much of this before, but it’s true … I do love my Treo.

As I’ve done before, I’m recording this podcast from inside my RV – you may notice a little background noise, as this time, I’m visiting relatives in rural Whatcom County Washington. Yes, I’m surrounded by cows and corn.

Once I’m done recording, I’ll upload it, and publish it – just like I do at home. Except that this time, it’s all via my Treo 600 cellphone.

The Treo, and the unlimited data plan from Verizon wireless, really turned out to a great investment for me. Like now, when I travel, I can remain connected anywhere that there’s a reasonable Verizon signal. Though here, I do have a signal boosting arrangement – you can read more about on my site – did I mention that I’m out in the sticks?

This isn’t the new EVDO system either. It’s Verizon’s existing high speed data network, getting me roughly 100k bits/sec down, and 45kbits/sec up – roughly three times a good dialup connection (and we don’t get good dialup speeds out here … did I mention that I’m out in the sticks?) If you’re used to DSL and other broadband technologies that may sound slow, but it’s definitely enough handle a reasonable email load, as well as web surfing.

More importantly for me, it’s enough for me to run my business. From pretty much anywhere.

And that’s pretty darned cool.

The Treo’s connected via USB, with software called “PdaNet”, and acts as a modem. Actually it acts more like a normal network connection – push a button on the phone and a few seconds later I’m connected. The newer Treo, the 650, using Bluetooth instead of a cable – my experience with Bluetooth and Windows have been less than stellar, so I’m reserving judgment on that for now.

The Treo also lets me stay connected without my laptop. Anywhere, any time, I can fire up Snappermail, a pop-3 mail client, and check and/or deal with any pending email. That, a few games, an Adobe Acrobat Reader and the Treo’s a pretty good all-in-one device that I’d be hard pressed to live without these days.

So tell me, what’re you using to solve these same problems?

What’s in your pocket?

I’ve placed links to software mentioned and some of my related articles in the shownotes for this podcast. Visit, and enter 9163 in the go to article number box. Let me know what you think, I’d love to hear from you.

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8 comments on “I Love My Treo”

  1. I use my Treo 650 from Sprint PCS. Awesome! I do use the PDANET and use the USB data cable as Bluetooth is never turned on due to security issues. The service is data service is GREAT! I use VersaMail (came with the Treo 650) and also Pocket-Tunes 3.+ so I can stream a verity of radio stations live thru shoutcast and/or listen to podcasts I download. I also listen to music as well. I FTP and secure Telnet thru my phone. With the high res screen this makes life easier. From spread sheets of DVDs I own and playing games the Treo 650 simply kicks ass! 😉

    I had a Treo 600 and loved it. I love the Treo 650 even more.. Take care.

  2. Its always fun to here a podcast from somewhere close by 🙂

    My Tungstun E was my first MP3 player with Pocket tunes. I broke 3 of them. I would highly recomend some other Palm than the TE 🙂

  3. ——————————————————————————–
    Hello. Can you tell me if text messages stored on the Treo 600 can be downloaded to a person’s computer. If so does the text message that is downloaded to the computer indicate who sent the text, the date and time it was sent and the actual text message. I am in a legal situation and I need a phone that has the capability of saving text messages to a computer so they can be printed out.

    Your help is very much appreciated.

  4. What other smart phones types (iphone,PDA’s, etc) can telnet? Something with a good size screen. Looking for something to play a telnet based text game from a phone. 😉

  5. I love my TREO 680! I got this last year with the ATT plan for unlimited tect ONLY, Unlimited Internet and email.Since I am deaf, it has opened up new worlds of fast access on the road. I just downloaded Google maps for PDA-WOW!More tools, book, games,everything… than I can access in an hour now-haha.


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