When creating individual PST files, I am able to give them unique names, but when you look on the folders through outlook, they all bare the same name… and that’s creates some confusion.
Yes, and once again Outlook makes it non-obvious, but it’s changeable.
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You can name your PST files anything you want; “foo.pst”, “bar.pst”, whatever. My favorite is that once a year I copy my “personal.pst” to something like “2006.pst” as a start a new yearly archive.
The ‘problem’ is that when you open those as additional PSTs in Outlook (using File, Open, Outlook Data File…), it shows up in the folder list with the very same name it had before.
You may have several PSTs open, but it’s hard to tell which is which if they’re all called “Personal Folders”.
Easily solved, though not obvious. In the Folder List…
- Right click on the top item in the PST you want to rename (probably “Personal Folders“)
- Click on Properties
- Click on the Advanced… button
At the top of the resulting dialog you’ll find a Name box:
Edit the name in that Name field to be whatever you want displayed for this PST. When you’re done, just OK your way back out.
If I remember correctly the name change might not show up in all places right away, but should the next time you restart outlook.