There USED to be an option at the bottom of the list of folders in Windows
Live Hotmail called ‘manage folders’. In their infinite wisdom, at the last so
called ‘upgrade’ they took that option away. Now I have no idea how to delete
You and a lot of people.
After posting a pretty silly workaround that I couldn’t believe, a reader
chimed in with the answer.
It’s hidden. In plain sight. No, I wouldn’t have thought to click
Here’s the folder list:
In previous incarnations of Hotmail there was an additional link: “Manage Folders” that allowed you to add, delete and rename additional folder of your own.
It’s gone.
Here’s the magic:
If you hover your mouse over the “Folders” label, a small “gear” will appear to its right.
Click on that:
There it is. Click on Manage Folders and you add folders, as well as delete or rename folders that you’ve added. (The base set of folders shown above cannot be deleted or renamed, only those that you’ve added can be.)
Thanks to Mike, first of the commenters below, to point this out.
It’s a misunderstanding. If you hover the folders header there will be a little wheel to the right, click that and a menu will pop up with an option “manage folders”.
Where do i find this in Windows Live Mail, not hotmail?
Thomas – the illustrations shown are from Windows LIVE.
Now that is hilarious. Sounds like a colossal UI fail. But Mike is right. You can get to “Manage folders” (among other things) from the gear icon which shows up when you hover over the word “Folders” in the sidebar at the left. It’s a bit non-intuitive, so I might still call it a UI fail. But not a colossal one.
Thomas & Paul: Hotmail is now *part* of Windows Live, a suite of web-based apps from Microsoft. The images are from Hotmail, but they are also from Windows Live, so both of you are right.
In another wonder of Microsoft naming, Windows Live Mail is the downloadable email program that (somewhat) replaces Outlook Express. Windows Live Hotmail is, well, Hotmail.
Leo, I use “Windows Live Mail” version 2009 (Build 14.0.8089.0726) and it does not look at all like what you show here. Is mine too old maybe? I HATE Windows Live Mail, btw; got a long list of problems with it. Am tempted to go Thunderbird. I’m told it is much better.
Like Ken Laninga, I also use “Windows Live Mail” (the same version as his) and it does NOT look at all like the screen shots. However the WEB Mail interface to my “Windows Live Hotmail” account does look like the screen shots shown.
Some time ago, Microsoft re-labeled “Hotmail” to be “Windows Live Hotmail”; whereas, “Windows Live Mail” is a dowloadable APPLICATION that has replaced “Outlook Express” (in Win XP), and “Windows Mail” (in Vista).
hey i followed the instructions.. of deleting the folder.. but u know wot.. the show/hide link does not hav the option of deleting folder… wot do i do
I just wasted another 30 minutes of my life because of Microft’s tendency to fix things that aren’t broken, then neglect to tell us about it. Sheesh! Thanks for this hint. There is no telling how long I’d have struggled with the simple act of deleting a folder without it.
ocertain: why are they fixing things that ain’t broke? Then hiding the fix somewhere that I have spent about 30 minutes to find
‘wallis’: Same happened to me, there was no ‘manage folders’. Then 20 minutes later – it magically appeared! Don’t ask. I have no idea what these ‘guys’ at Microsoft are up to are up to.
wallis: you need to click the cog on Folders, not Inbox. Maybe that might be some help as I think I may have initially done that.
Thanks for the magic and willing to buy a beer but no card.Others weren’t able to assist as I spent almost 30 minutes trying to resolve problem.Hotmail needs to put you on staff.
How can I delete all contacts in my contacts folder? Where is the Windows/Hotmail Live contacts file found?
Thanks for the tip on deleting a folder. I always wondered what that little gear was!
Was searching for the answer for ages. Found a few pages that mentioned click on the “gear” to get the manage folders option. Had no clue what “gear” was. Thanks for the screen shots they sorted the problem out straight away.
YES! That was easy enough . . once I knew where to look. Got same info from another site but your pic’s of the sreens is what did it . . indeed “a picture is worth a thousand words”
Well what do ya know about that. I’ve been trying to delete a folder for like EVER too, and have not been able to figure it out. Thanks SO much! The solution was so simple, once I knew what it was. I have also wondered what those little gears were too.
Problem solved!!! 😀
Thank you very much for letting me know how to ‘manage folders’ in the new hotmail.
I have been looking for that manage folder icon for days trying to get rid of one. Why they would do that is beyond me, thank you for showing me where it was. I was getting ready to loose my mind.
MY HERO!!!!!!!!! Thank you for your very simple explanation for deleting folders in Hotmail. Short, sweet and to the Point. If more explanations were so C L E A R life would be so much easier. Thanks again.
Ditto Carol’s comments (7/11/11) above. I don’t understand why they felt they had to make such a simple procedure. But nonetheless it worked! Thanks for having this site!
I am very glad to visit this web searching sites. I really faced problem how to delete unwanted folders in Windows Hotmail . When searched for my problem I really found very good information that helped me to solve my problem and work proper and professional in managing my hotmail system.
Thank you
Zekria Danishyar
Kabul City
THANK YOU SOO MUCH!! i couldnt work out how to delete a folder in my hotmail account! thank god for this site because it showed me the steps on how to do it! thank you to the person who created this site!! 🙂
When I hover the mouse over “Folders” the gear doesn’t appear!!!!
Aha, I have solved my problem. Not sure which version of Hotmail I have, but I figured out that if I right click on the folder name, it gives several options, including to “delete” the folder.
I have been looking for Managed Folders for months so I could delete unwanted folders.
Leo thank you very much. You have solved my problem.
I have no gear next to folders – just refresh – ????