The term for what you’re attempting to do is called “concatenation” – basically splicing two files together to create a single file.
And the tool’s already on your machine.
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The copy command in Windows will do it.
In a command shell:
copy file1 /b + file2 /b file3
Will join file1 and file2 to create file 3. The “/b” indicates that Copy should treat the file as binary rather than text.
I would like to suggest an easier way to do the same process.
Do just like this at the directory where pieces are:
copy/b 01.ca1+02.ca2+03.ca3+04.ca4 wimamp.exe
Where: first piece+2nd_3rd+4th and else,equals the final file name splited, which name you are supposed to previously know.
For example I splited Winamp.
System will act then:
D:\Util\Win-util\Splitters\Fsplit>copy/b 01.ca1+02.ca2+03.ca3+04.ca4 wimamp.exe
1 files) copyed(s).
Can u please tell me how can I split the files when I joined files with copy /b
i use file splitter & joiner 3.1 for problems like yours.. its just a small apps.
follow below steps to split files…
1. change extension to .rar of merged file
eg. final.jpg to final.rar
2. now open that .rar file and u can copy
your inner files from there by extracting
Best Luck
I used the command like
copy /b file.jpg+hotfix.rar filehotfix.jpg
Now the command is succ but now if i try to unzip i am not getting the hotfix.rar files what to do some one help me