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Can you help me spy on someone?


Hi, I want to know if I van see my roommate’s browsing history through my system using IP address or display DNS to tease him for watching the porn? How can I know

In this excerpt from
Answercast #4
, I explain why I will not answer certain questions that sound
the least bit improper.


The short answer is no

So, I’m not answering this question. Whether there are ways, or aren’t ways, this is not the kind of question that I answer. I bring it up specifically to mention that I do get a lot of requests for people trying to spy on other people.

Sometimes, depending on my mood, it can actually be kind of disheartening, but the fact is that there are random individuals who are attempting to spy on or cause trouble with their friends, their family members, spouses who they think are cheating on one another, etc. etc.

This is not the kind of answer that I give. This is not the kind of thing that I support. I explicitly don’t answer questions that are illegal and I certainly don’t answer questions that are of questionable morality or of questionable ethics.

The short answer to you, the person asking the question is don’t, just don’t.

Do this

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6 comments on “Can you help me spy on someone?”

  1. Thank you, Leo, for taking a righteous stand. We need that, and we need more people to do the same. Bless you! And thank you as well for all you do to help others.

  2. If only there were more people who would stand tall! We need more in Washington 🙂
    I am dumbfounded by the arrogance of someone to even ask the question.

  3. Congratulations on your stand on this. What a hide this person have to ask that question. Why aren’t all politions like you and have morals. Good on you mate from down under.

  4. Hello Leo, Just added a cuppa coffee to your account. It pleases me to acknowledge a fellow-human “doing the right thing”. There’s always going to be those who don’t. That’s their loss.We can stand as a contrast to them. Together. The best to you and your family,and your business. “Heart-felt” Wishes from Trish in Phoenix, AZ


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