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What’s Bluetooth?

Question: I have this “Bluetooth” icon on my phone. I have no idea what this software is and what its capabilities are. I’m thinking it has something to do with being wireless. Do you know how this software works and if it costs me anything? There was nothing in my manual about this software.

You’re quite right, Bluetooth is a wireless technology.

I actually have mixed feelings about it, because my early experiences with it … well, to be frank, they sucked. But I hear things are getting better.

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Bluetooth is a short-distance wireless technology. Short distance I believe is defined as around 10 feet. For example in your case you might be able to purchase a Bluetooth wireless headset that will work with your phone. Very nifty in concept, and I know of several people who’re quite happy with that.

Some phones use Bluetooth to connect to your PC for data synchronization or for using your cell phone as a modem. Therein lies my earlier suckage. My old Nokia 3650 cell phone used Bluetooth for this purpose. Now, it might well have been a Windows related issue, but the synchronization connection was very touchy and difficult to establish, and I never was able to get the phone to act
as a modem.

When I changed cellular carriers I also changed phones … I now have a Treo 600 which uses a good, old-fashioned and reliable cable. The Treo 650, which just came out, is now Bluetooth enabled, and I’ve been hearing good things about it as well, so perhaps things have gotten better.

One place I am relatively happy with Bluetooth is my wireless keyboard and mouse, which both use it. Well … except that after playing a certain on-line game for too long, the Bluetooth controller locks up and I have to reboot my system.


So I guess you could say that my experience with Bluetooth has been spotty, at best. But it’s promising technology, and I think it’s just taking a while for the bugs and issues to be worked out.

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15 comments on “What’s Bluetooth?”

  1. Hello I’M A 18 Year Older Boy From Iran I’m Sorry Because Taking Your Time Please Write For Me About Mean Of Bluetooth (In Mobile Phone) And It’s Task Please With A Simple Language Thank You

  2. A bluetooth is a new technology which is used to connect device to gather, the main idea is that send and recive data without wire that’s why is called (wireless technology) it’s look like (a Infrared (IrDA) interface) but there is some differece 1. bluetooth distance’s 10 m. but Ir distance’s is 1 m.
    2. bluetooth 3d but Ir is only strate line.
    3. bluetooth faster than Ir.

  3. Bluetooth can it down load music from CD’s to use as ringtones on your phone…and is every bluetooth different for every phone???

  4. i know what bluetooth is but is there a way where you can download ringtones and pictures from the internet using bluetooth??

  5. is bletooth really necessary? yes. i like it cause you can snag other peoples ringtones .but i dont really know what else you can do with it

  6. 1. When was bluetooth invented?
    2. What company provided the patent for bluetooth?
    3. How long was this ideal in the making?

  7. I’m distressed that todays technology has not improved on an Aussie invention [ 1992 ] since he released all copy-write to it in 2002. Yes… I know the father of blue tooth which began it’s infancy as the ‘Talkman’ which used D.I.C. or Digital Interlaced Communication to transmit audio and have digital command signals riding on it to tell the receivers how to handle the signal. You will find his evaluation request in Washington D.C around 1994 and a PIES evaluation document on register in Australia. he has since made many improvements but since so many companies are NOW
    doing so much with his conception, he doesent bother with this project anymore. He is awaiting revelations to his 2 part glue that uses a body fluid as part ‘A’ to both set and release the glue factor. ERBR and ERBS glues are coming that will turn the glue world on it’s head [ Exothermic reactive base setting / releasing ]
    Aussie inventors never get famous, we just do and move on :). Googling ‘Talkman’ won’t find him but Washington Patent search requests might. Talk about well known name .. a ‘Springsteen’ yet


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