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Thank You! (For being here)

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36 comments on “Thank You! (For being here)”

  1. Happy thanksgiving to you. Germany has their Thanksgiving on a different day, and it’s strictly religious. But we Americans get together to celebrate. Funny thing though, stores are celebrating Black Friday in Germany. Here it lasts for a month. 😉

  2. Hi Leo! I have been following your site for quite some time now after accidentally discovering it on a google search. Since then, this site has been my goto solution for everything tech related-from troubleshooting to learning more about tech. You have really cleared a lot of fog I had. Thank you so much for that and I hope you keep us all enthralled with this great endeavour for years to come. Happy Thanksgiving to you and thanks for the Thursday wish (I am from India)

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your Family as well Leo . You have been a huge help to me and my Family threw your News letter Thank-you !

  4. Happy thanksgiving to you Leo, although it is not here in UK.
    Thank you for all your Newsletter every week, which I always look forward to.
    Many thanks.

  5. Leo, may your Thanksgiving be the best for you and your family! I too, love to read your articles, because, I learn so much. I really like your video blogs. However, you know how to write and explain what we need to do. And yes, I back up to my external hard drive. 🙂

  6. Thank you. I am a complete novice (elderly one) and you have helped me out a few times. Happy Thanksgiving and especially
    Good Health to for you and your love ones.

  7. Thank you and all the best for a Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Being a senior citizen I have relied on your advice so many times in the past and look forward to more tech info in the future.

  8. I’d like to join the throng in appreciating you, Leo. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. There are lots of useful tech sites that I visit, but yours is #1. Thanks!

  9. Hope you and your family have a lovely Thanksgiving also, Leo. Thanks not just for your willingness to educate people, but for your patience and complete lack of snark. The kind of readers you attract reflect you, and it makes for a really nice community. You should be proud of that. : )

  10. Thank you Leo for all the tech knowledge you’ve provided in the several years I’ve been following you.

    Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving.

  11. Happy Thanksgiving to you also Leo.

    Thank you for all you do for all of your readers. I have been one for so long my beard is now 18″ long and gray as a ghost. When I started reading you teachings it was about 1/2″ long and red as could be. Sadly true story :).

    Because of you I am an avid BU/Image nut. I use three BU/Image systems including one out there in the cloud someplace. Yes, it has saved me twice in the last several years so a great big thank you for getting through my thick skull that “YES” it can happen to you. Ah funny thing I just that flash on my screen that Macrium Reflect is running my BU as I am typing this. The Image will run at 4:30PM.

    So thanks for all you do for all of your reads! If anyone happens to read this I sure hope you BU your files because it WILL happen to you. I prefer having an Image also (well Images) I run an Image daily to a 3 Tb External Drive. Yup, Thank You Leo 🙂

  12. Thank you for you time and effort for answering all of or questions. We really appreciate you and what you do.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and you family.

  13. Thanks Leo for producing a very helpful and valuable website. I have been reading your helpful tips and problem solving articles for several years. Your recent series of videos and articles about making a computer backup are excellent. You have provided a great roadmap for making effective computer backups. The terminology in this area of computing is confusing to say the least and your work has made it possible to understand how it works and how to do it correctly.

  14. Thank you Leo for great words of technical wisdom for keeping us aware of the necessary things for healthy computing !
    Best wishes from France & Cheerz, Geoff.

  15. Thank You Leo,

    It’s because of your website and newsletters that many of us are considered the “expert” or “go to guy/gal” when family or friends have problems with their computers and devices. Of course your name and website gets mentioned, but I think some folks may believe it’s for techies. Nothing is further from the truth but all you can do in the end is lead the horse to water. I receive a refreshing drink each week from your newsletters to carry me further along the road of computer knowledge and appreciate your hard work. So Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Leo and God bless.

  16. Leo,
    It’s me that should be thanking you, you have saved me many headaches and troubles. I use to have a fear of changing any settings, or messing around with any thing on a computer until I found your site. I now know it’s ok to play around with things on a computer without fear. I now know about backing up, I never heard of, or knew there was such a thing as backing up a computer, until I found your site. With that being said, you have my utmost respect and gratitude. Happy Thanksgiving to you, your family and your staff. Hope you all have a blessed Thanksgiving day.

    Kind Regards,

  17. A quick thank you in appreciation for all you do for the PC community…in plain English, no BS. It’s clearly a labor of love to which you devote unselfishly. Eat more turkey as a reward

  18. hey thank you too! I have also asked some questions and got them answered here. this is a great and very useful site you’re keeping. you described your motivation a few times, it’s a nice way of doing things and so transparent, it’s easy to see that this is a good resource. technology is amazing and kind of everything is, too.

  19. Thank You Leo !
    It is you who deserves our appreciation the most , you help so many people with your explanations reminders , books and Newsletters , with your help
    even I can be confident that my work and my memories won’t get last.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family .

  20. You are a unique individual doing what you do and helping so many people the way you do.
    I do not remember how I discovered you, although it was fairly recently and I am very thankful I did.
    I have many many times had to research answers on the internet sometimes taking days to find valid information instead of scammers posting help and trying to get in my computer some way.
    No longer – now I just go to your site and ask away.
    You are thorough in your explanations and very detailed in such a way it is not tedious.
    I always learn something new or improve on what I already knew (or thought I did).
    As far as I know you are the only person who does what you do
    – taking all aspects of computing from hardware to software to backing up and making them an understanding
    I am never left feeling lost or unsure what you just said.
    In fact as I read through you explanations relating to the many terms and processes used in computing I find myself latched on as I see my understanding grow as I learn.
    Thank You Leo for all you do… Never stop we need you!

  21. Thank you, Leo. Happy Thanksgiving Day to you and your family. We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving Day here in Malta but thanks for your greetings.
    I always look forward to receiving your newsletter. It is very interesting and keeps me updated

  22. Hi Leo,
    I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving time. No such thing in Australia, but I wanted to take the time to thank you for all the info you provide. I’m in my 60’s and you are the main source of keeping me up-to-date with technology.
    I think your video’s are an excellent way of presenting some info, and you do it well!
    All the best

  23. I missed wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving so I hope it was outstanding. Thank you for all you do for our sport (think about it) we have offense and defense correct? LOL . Anyway I thoroughly enjoy reading all of the topics whether they directly relate to me or not. Keep up the good work.


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