Articles tagged: website management


When Is “www” Needed and Why?

The "www" in website addresses is now typically optional and even redundant, but there was once a reason as to why it was required in URLs.

How Do I Change My Website to Be an https Secure Site?

How Do I Change My Website to Be an https Secure Site?

Setting up an https-secure website is both simple and complex. The HTML doesn't change, but you'll need different hosting for the secure layer, as well as a certificate, to provide the security of https.

Webpage Not Available??!!

My webmaster left. What do I do?

If your webmaster leaves unexpectedly, you can have a lot of trouble getting access to your own website. I'll review some of the things that you need to do to prepare - just in case.

What Does Error 500 from a Website Mean?

The 500 series indicate errors on the server, the remote computer that is “serving” that website to the internet. There are only a few things you can do to try to resolve it.

Internet Browsers

Can I Use More than One Browser?

You can install as many browsers as you like. Personally, I usually install at least two, if not three. However, there can be only one default.