Articles tagged: internet

A photorealistic image depicting a router with a small puff of smoke emanating from its ventilation holes, indicating a problem or malfunction. The router is placed on a desk with a clear view of its side, where the smoke is visible. The environment is a typical home or office setting.

Why Might My Internet Connection Randomly Stop Working?

Let me walk you through eight of the most common issues when it comes to internet connections, drops, and general connectivity.

Wireless internet in the home.

How Do I Get Wireless Internet?

You hear a lot about wireless internet, but it’s not something you can just connect to anywhere. It’s more often something you purchase and set up.

Website Construction concept

What Is JavaScript and Why Do I Need It?

JavaScript is a programming language that operates important features on many websites.


When Is “www” Needed and Why?

The “www” in website addresses is now typically optional and even redundant, but there was once a reason as to why it was required in URLs.

Online Shopping: Just How Safe Is It?

Online Shopping: Just How Safe Is It?

Online shopping is ubiquitous, and yet some avoid it completely. Why are some people afraid to shop online when it’s arguably safer than offline?


What’s the Difference Between the Web and the Internet?

“Internet” and “web” are often used interchangeably, but technically they’re very different things.

Coffee Shop

Is the Internet Directly Responsible for Our Economic Problems?

Economic change is actually nothing new. I feel pretty strongly that you can’t blame the internet for the economy – find out why!


What’s an Open Port?

With one exception, having an open port is not dangerous. But the way that ports work is interesting!

I can’t access some websites … why?

Sometimes not being able to access certain web sites boils down to a simple network configuration tweak that I’ll detail here.