Articles tagged: hidden files
How Do I Copy Files When Windows Says I Don’t Have Permission to Access This Folder?
When transferring NTFS-formatted disks from one machine to another, permissions can restrict access. I'll cover both Widows GUI and command line solutions.
How Do I View Hidden Files and Folders?
By default, Windows hides certain files and folders. We'll look at how to change the setting to display hidden files and folders in Windows Explorer.
What Is wssetup.exe?
This file could be anything. I'll show you how to track this file down and do a cleanup - just to be sure that it's not malware.
Why can’t I see the files on a CD I created?
When you can't see the files on a data disc you've created the causes can vary from exactly how you created that disc in the first place, to media quality, drive problems and even Windows Explorer settings.