Articles tagged: computer crash

Has My Computer Been Hacked? A List of Clues and Steps to Take

Has My Computer Been Hacked? A List of Clues and Steps to Take

When you see the list of possible hacking signs, it's easy to jump to the conclusion your computer has been hacked. It's usually not the case. Regardless, prevention is always easier than recovery from an actual hack.

Frustrated Computer User

My Computers Keep Crashing — Is It Me?

It's easy to feel cursed if computer after computer you deal with has problems. It's often not you at all.


How can I make a computer “Crash Proof?”

Do I have to say it? The only crash-proof technology is a good and recent backup!

Your Disk is on Fire!

Why does my computer crash when I try to back up?

Backing up shouldn't crash a computer, and neither should attaching a hard disk.


Will I Lose All Data When My Computer Crashes?

It's incredibly rare for a software crash to damage any drive connected to a computer. Other things, like a lightning strike, can do serious damage.