Articles tagged: answercast 131
How Do I Bypass this Web Blocking?
Can you get around web blocking software? Here are a few steps to figure it out.
Is it safe to let my daughter purchase online using my email address?
Sharing an email address may seem like a good idea, as long as you've considered all the ramifications.
I’ve been blocked because my IP address is on a blacklist. What do I do?
Finding out that you are on a blacklist can be a nightmare. So how do you get off of it?
Is there an ISP that I can use in two different places?
Staying connected to the internet can be a problem when you move around a lot. Fortunately, solutions are getting easier.
Will Malware Infect the Backups on My Connected Backup Drives as Well?
In truth, malware can infect anything that it wants to, but there are a lot of reasons why your backup files aren't targeted.