Articles in Category: Leo’s blog
Leo’s less formal, more random and occasional commentary on all things technology, business and Ask Leo! related, along with some philosophy at times as well.
They're not as savvy as you think
Most users aren’t stupid. They’re just not as savvy as we think. And they shouldn’t have to be.
I Love Linux, But…
I really do love Linux, but it has a problem. A big problem that’s bitten me yet again.
Are certifications worth it?
I respond to some feedback I received on a recent Ask Leo! article on the value of certification.
Are certifications important?
Let me put it this way: they’re “nice”, but for the real in-the-trenches programming positions I was hiring for, I’d have a hard time saying they were important, at all. Let me explain why…
Has it really been a year?
It was one year ago that Ask Leo! opened for business. Since then I’ve received thousands of questions, posted hundreds of answers and hopefully made computing life a little easier for many of my readers. Thank you, dear readers, for being here. I want to indulge myself and take this opportunity to make a few ... Read more