What People are Saying About Ask Leo!

Amazement and Wonder!It was like having you stand behind me while I ran the program for the first time. –Mr. McNabb

Hello Leo: I wanted first to thank you for your very helpful book on Macrium Reflect. It was like having you stand behind me while I ran the program for the first time.

Thanks for the PDF books Leo as well as for your site. Great stuff for this computer newbie. – Craig, Canada

Thank you for the e-books – already quite happy with the info! – Robin, CA

Leo, I just want to say that I think your Books and Newsletters are a True Goldmine of essential information. I think it should be a required class in hight school – and again in college. – Jeff

Thank you for continuously ringing the bell for backing up our computers. So important to do but so easy to ignore. – Gary

Many thanks for the excellent instructions for Macrium Reflect. Your video is very clearly spoken and I like the transcript for backup just in case there is a word or phrase that I can not understand. Didn’t really need the transcript but it was nice to have. And the video editing that eliminated waiting for the computer to complete a task was a nice touch. You were clear and concise. Thanks again. Robert

This isn’t a question, it’s a thank-you.
My HP Omni 100 running Windows 10 (upgraded from 7) was working fine until yesterday (Sunday), when I noticed the little Notification icon in the Taskbar was white. Clicking on it, I was informed that I have (or had) a hard drive problem of some sort (I don’t recall the actual wording) and to restart my machine. I did so, and was then presented with a Choose Your Keyboard page – and my keyboard and mouse, both connected via USB, were unresponsive, and I do not have a touch screen to select a keyboard! I rebooted a couple of times with the same effect. Googling the problem just led to advice to create a bootable USB after downloading the ISO and then burning it, yada yada… except that I can’t use my keyboard and my machine won’t boot until I can. (I’m guessing a corrupted driver, maybe.)
Then I remembered: I do a daily backup with Macrium Reflect. I popped in the recovery CD, let it do its thing, and restored back to Friday, when I knew the computer was working. And voilà, I’m back up and running. (Of course, I’m going to do a chkdsk when I get back home and on my machine.)
So thanks, Leo, for pushing your readers to backup, backup, backup. And thanks for recommending Macrium, it did exactly what it was supposed to.
You rock. – Paul

And thank you so much for your work, I am not the most knowledgeable when it comes to computers, and I am definitely looking forward being better informed. – Fabien

Just want to say thanks for making a difference – I have learnt loads and been stimulated to look elsewhere too and continue the journey. – Bart

I LOVE your site, it’s already helped me a lot. – Candence

I really enjoy your articles and can’t wait for future articles. – George

You are making major contributions to the computer technician’s art in rural America… even if you didn’t know that.. Your information is welcome to me and my crews every week. I admire what you do and read everything you put out. You obviously know your stuff and care about quality. Thank you for what you do. – Ray

I learn a HUGE amount being able to search your archives – thanks for that, too. – Ronnie, Florida

Thanks a lot. You’ve provided some basic yet informative and helpful material. – Nigel

Thank you for your work. Through reading your books and your website, for the first time in my life I am confident that I am managing our family computer well. – Anne-Laure

After I watch your videos, or read your ezines, I feel smarter and better informed. – Mary

Sir, you are a great teacher, whatever I have learned about computer, I have learned from your Newsletter. Thousand thanks and may you live long so that many people like me can learn. – Arshad from Pakistan

Love getting your emails Leo, I always learn something new every time I read them. Thanks for your great work. Cheers- Lauren

Hello Leo, I follow your newsletter like clock work. Thank you for giving me countless hours of good advice and increasing my skills. – John

The Ask Leo! Newsletter is one of the best websites on the internet. I have learned a great deal from your newsletters in addition to other educational information. Best wishes for continued success with your newsletter. I anxiously await the receipt of each newsletter. – Best regards, Bette

Thanks for providing such important and useful stuff to every computer enthusiastic over the world. It helps a lot understand some really important concepts. Thank you again. – Akash

This is why I love you and the people who assist you in your tireless effort to educate all the computer users who are lucky enough to somehow come across your website when trying to solve a problem and wise enough to thereafter subscribe to your newsletter. – Regina

I am a bit techy so I really love getting your newsletters. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us. – Randy

Thank you for your help. And thank you for your contribution to the community. Your’s is one of those few that I really feel good to be supporting. – Richard

your books are great and you are super knowledgeable. – Jeremy

Hey Leo,
I just scanned through my copy of Backing Up 101, I still feel the same way about the book as I did when I read it for the first time.
It is a well written and easy to understand description of the basics of backing up. When I finished the book I had a much better understanding of the backing up process and I realized that I could do a much more
efficient job than the way I was doing it.
You did a great job of making the most important point ………….. Backing Up can and should be done by everyone.
Thanks for all you do to keep us excited and engaged ….. your news letters and books have put the fun back in trying new things.

Yes, I am very appreciative of the information that you have been sending to me. Actually, I am a long time follower of your good advice. Please keep up the good work. – Pete

Hi Leo, I have been reading your columns for many years and I thank you for your efforts. Thanks for the great job you do for us (less than geeks). – Carl and Judy.

I have been a subscriber to your wonderful helpful Ask Leo.com for 15 years & it has helped me out numerous times. I recently had to upgrade & the problem of restoring addresses has had me resigning up . Yours is one I couldn’t do without . So grateful – Maureen

Thanks for all your words of wisdom over the years. – Warren

Hi Leo, Allow me to commend you on the marvellous effort you are making for everyone with your Ask Leo website and newsletters. I have been noting your prominence in Searches with helpful information on computer issues for some years. – Tim

You are the very best. I relied on you for many years and then 5 years ago when I crashed and lost all my favorites I lost you and forgot about you. Just found you by accident last week, and t hank goodness! – Diane

I am gonna set a goal to become an expert using Macrium Reflect software and when I write my recommend to the public, I hope leo sells one thousand (1,000) books.

I’ve been receiving and saving your newsletters for a good number of years and you’re one of the sources that I always trust to truthfully explain a lot of tech stuff I don’t relate to. Thanks and keep up the good work – Harvey

Always enjoy your ‘Ask Leo!’ emails. – David, Australia

Many thanks and look forward to your weekly updates. – Paul

One of your newsletter subscribers ~ very helpful and informative and looked forward to receiving weekly – Bill

Really enjoy your newsletter. – RJ

I file your newsletters in a folder – handy to have them altogether when the need arises. – Alice

Thank you so very much for the newsletter. I’m a very very enthusiastic fan of you newsletter. All the technical information is just so very informative and useful. I realize now, how much I’ve missed and how much I need to study. – Clinton

I’m always coming acrosss your material on the internet so I thought I would join up expecting to get news letters and I’m glad I did thank you. i’m a blind user so I’m always looking at easy ways to do things and your ways always seem to be the most easiest thanks . – John

I look forward to receiving Leo’s Newsletter. My computer teacher says it has a lot of helpful information in it. – Inge from Hawaii

Thanks for sending me your Newsletter on a regular basis. The information you provide has been very beneficial to me and I always look forward to reading your articles. You really bailed me out of some situations where I just didn’t have the answer. Your Newsletters are timely and a great resource. – Gene

I DO find your newsletter a useful addition to my inbox. – Sandy

The Ask Leo newsletter you all put together and send out is the best bit of clearly articulated, common sense computer help I get from anywhere – bar none! Please keep on with your great and valuable work!- GB

Yes, I find your Newsletter (and links) both useful and enjoyable. I always look forward to seeing it in my Inbox. – Christopher

Your news letter is informative and interesting.. – Paul

I enjoy your informative newsletter. Some great tips and explanations for us “non-geeks”. – Mike

Thanks for your very helpful newsletter and insightful content! – William

I find the newsletter very interesting and enlightening. – Edward

Thanks for all the information you give me, it does help me on a number of levels and I will still remain subscribed, thank you and Keep the information coming!! – Aimee

Your newsletter is the most useful I’ve seen, bar none. The information is complete and precise. Keep it up. Regards, Joel

I like your newsletter and your straight-forward easy-to-understand writing style. – Hans

I’m looking forward to your newsletter; when I have a computer issue of any type, your website is the first place I go to research it! – Garey

I am pleased to tell you that I really benefited from the newsletter that you post and I thank them very much. – Najla

Am enjoying your newsletters – keep up the good work! – Ann

You write an excellent newsletter with common sense approaches to problems. – Jack


First i would like to thank you for your newsletters and now the pod things. They have been very helpful! Thank you again for the book and newsletters, they have help me so much. Also the comments from readers are very interesting. – Pat


I am very appreciative of your newsletter. I had been having a lot of trouble opening attachments. With your advice I can now do this. Thanks so very much. – Ange

You are the best! I recommend you whenever I can Leo! – Pete

I want to say that you are a brilliant man. I can’t believe how hard you work. I think your newsletter should be read by everyone who uses a computer. If the time is right, I refer you to people I come across. I wouldn’t want a week to go by without it. Keep up the great work, Eric

Here is at my work but at home, I’m already a subscriber and I go to you as soon as I have an issue with my computer and I always find answers to my questions and a lot more. That’s why I introduce you to my work environment. Thank you! Francine

Thanks again for all you do to help people to stay in touch with Technology. I routinely refer to your news letters for answers when I’m working on my computer. I also recommend your newsletters to anyone who will listen. – Jim

Thank you, Leo. Your website is super and I have learned so much! Need to spread the word, indeed. Keep up the great work! You are performing an extremely needed service. You are honest and thorough and make computers so much more fun to work with. – Richard, Virginia

I look forward to your newsletter lot’s of good info,i will share with other’s again. – Denny

The learning I have obtained from your site over the years and the peace of mind of knowing that it is there as a resource gave me the confidence to make the leap. Thanks again and keep up the great work! – James

I am writing to thank you very much for your letters which I consider to be absolutely invaluable. In fact, as an IT professional, your letters are what I use to keep myself educated on some vital aspects of IT (the use of Macrium for imaging etc). Your letters are well written and not geeky and I really appreciate them. Much thanks – Don

I believe in and trust your knowledge and use your information. You have helped me numerous times. Thank you. – Jeanne

Btw I consult your website quite often when I’ve got questions and I find it very useful. – Bea


And thank your for your service. I recently changed my administrator password and wrote it down incorrectly. Your website showed me how to remove any passwords and get control of my computer again! – Bill

Thanks for helping us, you have done more than you know. I almost reinstalled windows 7 but for your reply to someones earlier question with the same problem i was having. Again, thank you. – RgZ

First of all is thank you for having solved my problem on my computer which had a lot of brightness – Maurice

I for one will continue to appreciate your work. My “tech savvy” is low, but I have used your site to get me out of a pickle several times. You were recommended to me by my previous manager, here at Costco. He is also a great fan and he is very techie. Thanks for all your work – Dolores

Over the years your advice has saved me hours of frustration and worry; so may I take this opportunity to say a loud and long THANK YOU. Very Best Wishes, Allan

Thank you so much for this article!! I was totally baffled on how to read my new book in the mobi format. I’m so thankful you posted this article, now I can get back to reading and reviewing!!! You are a LIFESAVER! – Stephanni P

Why or what you do doesn’t matter to me, just as long as you keep doing it! 🙂 I say to you, keep up the good work. I, for one, appreciate it. Gail from Winnipeg, MB, Canada

Hi Leo, thx for this great newsletters and keep them coming. I’m 63 and not a IT, but i like the info/content of your newsletters. – Leon

Just a quickie to say a big Thank you Leo for all your help, especially the Windows 8 problems. You give this 75 year old grandmother on the other side of the pond encouragement! – Frances.

brilliant site lots of info, 88yrs old need lots of advice thank you. – Kenneth

And thank you for being a resource for information important in this digital age. – William

I have read your pages since I was in my late 50″ or 60″ and now at 79 I am still reading them. Have changed emails a lot or networds but still get back to your site for helpful tips. U are the best for correct answers and they work for me. – Bettie

As a senior; I am new to this technology & enjoy that your answers are clear for a newbie like me. Much to learn, so will follow at my own pace. Enjoying what I am learning. Thanks for doing this. – Shirley

You have an excellent way of explaining things for the technically challenged. – James

First, I *LOVE* your website! It’s a tremendous resource for non-techies like me to gain valuable information. Most tech-related info out there is unintelligible for non-experts, even reasonably intelligent ones. Your unique approach puts answers and explanations in terms that most of us mere mortals can understand. 🙂 – Miles

Thanks for your great contribution to all of us less than tech-savvy folks. – Kate

Thank you very much Mate. Luckily for us guys out here in cyberspace, there are people around like yourself to steer us right. Cheers Ken. Queensland Australia

I read the article on Microsoft bugs and found out (finally) that a driver is software. I always thought a driver was something else, although I don’t know what that “something else” was. Thanks, now I know. – Sherry

My wife and I are both on Windows 7/Outlook 2007. My wife has multiple pop3 email accounts and i have never figured how to set up her outgoing mails to go into their appropriate boxes. I came across your brilliant article using Rules and … BINGO …  so obvious and it works. You’re her new hero now. Many thanks again Kindest regards David Kanareck

Thanks so Much for your Newsletter…. I know I myself REALLY Appreciate the time and EFFORT you put into it, and the Helpful Answers you provide.. Daniel

I also want to thank you for what you do. You have become my go-to guy for computer questions. – Joan

I was interested in converting my lenovo t-60 from xp to win 7 and out of many sites, yours was better at explaining how. – Richard

You saved me hours and hours of work. THANK YOU!!!!! – Maggie

Thanks Leo for our help.I have solved my problem by the tips given by u. – Kawsar

I also spent quite a while on your site yesterday reading through various articles and there’s some very interesting stuff on there so keep up the good work. 🙂 Thanks and kind regards – Lee

Thank you for the sterling service that you are doing. Great job! – Norman

Thanks, Leo! Your wisdom and advice are invaluable to me. –John

I come to your site often for information and have recommended you to others. Thank you for your guidance. – S. Hobbs

I would like to confirm that I am enjoying the Newsletters and articles, they are interesting, informative and very useful. – Bryan

Keep up the good work. I cannot pretend to have searched you out for help and advice on a regular basis, but it a fact that it is really good to know where to look when I encounter a problem I find difficult to resolve. Kindest regards, Daniel

Thanks sir. I sure enjoy reading your newsletters and techie knowledge. Sure helps me unravel the PC mystery at times. – David

Found you site to be unique and with a lot of sound advice. I haven’t had the need to use your services but have retained your email newsletter as I find it helpful. – Gary

Love your page. … I find you site well written clear and with pleasant light humour. – Matthew, Australia

I’ve been compiling every issue of your newsletter, goes straight into its own separate Ask Leo folder. I use them for reference to topics of interest and relevance to my everyday computing. Without your knowledge, you’ve become my tech guru! – Lee

Thanks a lot for all your Newsletters, Books and well understandable written articles. I like your attitude to do your business. And I like your continuing and proofing with IT-Actualities. I hope I can read your News and Books further for many, many years. – Harry

Just read your short, but readable message on The Cloud. Thank you. – Mary

You write very clearly; Thanks so much. – John

Trust me Leo, your website is a breath of fresh air & so helpful. Thank you SO much kind sir. – Mary

Thank you so much for all your work, and your obvious dedication to quality.

Love your writing style and the wealth of your knowledge and look forward to expanding my own knowledge. – Sam

I appreciate that you write in normal English, not Tech-English. That’s one of my main reasons for your being my first choice when I’m searching for an answer to a problem. Thanks again, and please know that you are appreciated, Ann

You’are simply GREAT! Thank you for what you’re doing. Again one could simply tell you frankly (I mean someone like me), that you’re a very good, good teacher. – Arnott

Your Ask Leo articles are very explanatory and to the point. I look forward to each one.

Leo…You’ve got a refreshing style, plus you’re more than competent in the crazy world of digital doings. You might publish your own magazine on the trials and tribulations of maintaining today’s ever more complex and privacy-losing electronic gizmos. Best, JAS, Wisconsin

Thanks much! My question was answered in clear understandable language, and it worked!-Han

You’re very gifted at explaining complex things in your newsletters and making them seem so simple. Thank You! – Stoosh

Well written and very informative. I have both MWB (paid) and MSE based on your previous recommendations. Thanks so much for taking time to follow up and explain MSE info. Sure puts my mind at ease. Your educational articles /Video’s are invaluable. With kind Regards, Jim Bird

I will tell you that your newsletters are the best. I read every one of them. And the best part is that even though you are a professional IT person you are still learning everyday just like me. Keep up the good work. – Jim

Thank you for being a clear, wise voice of sanity. Your patient, concise and explicit explanations are a brilliant gift to all end-users. I greatly appreciate that you so willingly share your knowledge with us for free. – Thank you, Naelle

Thank you Mr. Leo. Your videos are the most concise and easy to understand. You stand up above all other help videos I have ever searched for. Best Regards – Nasser

Just want to say I REALLY appreciate that your videos don’t start automatically like they do on so many sites.

I can only access the internet through a mobile carrier where I am and therefor do not get unlimited data (at a set price). I get limited amount of data at a set price then have to pay unreasonable (?) rates if I go over. So once again Serious KUDOS for doing it right.

I’m 54 Leo and have been reading your site (and newsletter) for years. Thanks to you my friends think I’m a computer expert/guru. Hardly that, but I’m glad to learn from you and help others. And, yes, I DO tell them where I learn my stuff!!

Well said. An impressive analysis to make us think, and we must hope, accept and even adopt change with a little less pain, and a little more understanding.
I look forward to your further tips with considerable interest, and appreciation and thanks for your thoughts. –John

This is not a question-rather, a compliment. Thank you for such a great web service to truly learn and keep up with today’s technology! YOU- can’t make explaining and answering any clearer. It’s sometimes hard to put on a smile these days–but when I see my Ask Leo email in my inbox, I indeed–do smile!
You remind me of an old computer half hour tv show in the late 90’s called the ” The Disk Doctors”. Two guys who would answer call in CP questions and gave the answer so clearly.
Thanks Leo!
Mark C.

No question here, just wanted to thank you for your articles about backing up. Thanks to you, I have the first real backup in years. I am using Macrium reflect (free) and its working well. After creating an initial image, the daily backups take from 5-20 minutes and run without bogging down the system. When they start taking longer than that, I run out of space anyway and create a new image. I just manually manage the images and backups, its not a big chore. In fact, I sometimes find myself backing up more than once a day. I can always go back and delete the day’s earlier backup.
The thing I am lacking is off site backups. I guess I need to buy some more removable hard drives.
I have also used Reflect to image computers before upgrading them to a bigger hard drive or to an SSD. The restore has worked, the system boots, and then I can adjust the partition sizes as need with disk manager.
I would consider buying Reflect to get incremental backups, but the $70 price tag is a little steep for me.
Thanks again,

I was troubleshooting an issue I was having on one of my pc’s when I came across one of your videos. Then I saw your channel and was overwhelmed with how many helpful videos you have posted. You explain things very clearly & make it easy to understand. I am a subscriber now and look forward to your new posts. You are a wealth of knowledge & I appreciate all you contribute. – Jerry

Thanks Leo. All of your videos are so helpful and you speak so clearly.

Thank you so much for your videos. You give out a lot of information in a very clear manner.

Your content helped me a lot! Thank you! Keep going!

You just helped me so much!!!!! Thank you for your video!

You have a gift for explaining things clearly. You saved my computer from this one drive cancer.

Thank you, Leo & team, for your informative and valuable articles that have put order to chaos. Keep up your excellent contributions.

Thank you Leo for helping and educating me and many many around the world with your emails and YouTube videos.

At last someone I can trust. Thanks for your no bull advice and knowledge Leo. There are way too many charlatans out there.

Having studied IT since ’95, I find your content well explained. I binge watched a flew of your videos yesterday. Well done!

Thank you so much for you clear explanation regarding Onedrive.

Loved this very candid, intelligent and majorly realistic article. Allows one to perfectly position themselves as to how / when / whether to move forward, etc.

As always, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for all your wisdom and help!!!

Your videos are packed with useful information and commendably short.

I really like your style of explaining things Mr.Leo. Very clear and easy to understand.

So glad I found someone who can finally explain in plain terms all about computer technology. A subject that changes faster than the weather. Thanks so much for caring about the layperson.

I’ve been watching your videos for about a year. The information you share and your presentation is the best on YouTube in my opinion and I watch a lot of computer help videos. Your content is unbiased, informative and to the point. Your latest video on Windows bugs was spot on and one of your best. Well done!

You give the clearest and easiest to follow instructions of all the YouTube computer tech channels.