Articles tagged: answercast 135

Internet Explorer 11

Do I Need to Install IE 11?

Internet Explorer has become a better browser over time and updating regularly is just a good idea. Especially when it comes to IE 11.

Windows Defender

Do I Need to Deactivate My Old Anti-virus Before Installing the New One?

It’s best to uninstall old anti-virus software before installing a new one, assuming you make sure to stay safe during the transition.


Is Gmail’s targeted advertising a bad thing?

Of course Gmail can read your email. How else would they be able to filter it for spam? But “who” or “what” is reading it, and does it really matter?


Can I access the mail on my desktop from a networked machine?

There are several ways to share email accounts across computers. The best ones have to be set up before you need them.

Power Button

How Do I Keep a Program from Loading at Startup?

Be careful what you disable from starting up with your computer. You might end up with unexpected results.