Articles in Category: Owners and Patrons Content

Ask Leo! content specifically for Ask Leo! Patrons and owners of Ask Leo! books.

Add language

Tip of the Day: Add Another Language

Tip of the Day: Restore the Old Right-Click Menu


Tip of the Day: OCR in the Snipping Tool

Startup notifications

Tip of the Day: Get Notified of (Some) New Start-Up Apps

Many Icons from SHELL32.dll

Tip of the Day: Change a Folder’s Icon

Don't remember passwords.

Tip of the Day: Let Your Browser Be Forgetful

powercfg report

Tip of the Day: Get an Energy Report

Linux Mint

Tip of the Day: Boot Linux Once

Projector Mode in Windows 10

Tip of the Day: Projector Mode


Tip of the Day: Get to the Windows Recovery Console Quicker


Tip of the Day: Don’t Trust That Flash Drive

ipconfig /all

Tip of the Day: View Your Network IP Configuration

CTRL+Enter for URLS

Tip of the Day: Never Type “WWW” Again

Tip of the Day: Shift+Windows Key+S for Screenshots

Creating a Webpage Shortcut

Tip of the Day: Make a Shortcut to a Webpage

Taskbar Buttons

Tip of the Day: Manage Taskbar Icons

Tip of the Day: Executable Program Properties

Tip of the Day: The Empty Start Menu

Custom home page

Tip of the Day: Set Your Browser Homepage to Something Useful

Tearing Off a Tab

Tip of the Day: Tear Tabs

Clear print queue

Tip of the Day: Clearing the Print Queue Using a Command File


Tip of the Day: Get a Better Image Viewer

PIN Sign-In

Tip of the Day: Don’t Sign In Automatically

Misleading download ads.

Tip of the Day: Beware of Misleading Ads


Tip of the Day: Using Netstat to Examine Network Connections

Permanent Delete

Tip of the Day: The Difference Between Delete and Shift-Delete


Tip of the Day: More “Shell:” Shortcuts

Continue with Facebook?

Tip of the Day: Don’t Log In With Facebook

Tip of the Day: Remove Stuff From Your Lock Screen

Turn off startup boost.

Tip of the Day: Stop Edge From Starting Automatically

Kaputt - It's Busted!

Tip of the Day: Remember, Hardware Can Break


Tip of the Day: When In Doubt, Reboot

Repair Option

Tip of the Day: Remember to Use Application Repair


Tip of the Day: View the Full Taskbar Notification Area


Tip of the Day: Back Up Encrypted Data Properly

Run as administrator

Tip of the Day: Run As Administrator


Tip of the Day: Get a Quick Disk-Space Summary in Windows 10 and 11

Google cache:

Tip of the Day: Search Google’s Cache


Tip of the Day: CTRL+ALT+DEL


Tip of the Day: Shut Down Your Laptop When Traveling

Turn off hibernate

Tip of the Day: Turn Off Hibernate and Free Up Some Disk Space

Mouse Selection Techniques

Tip of the Day: Mouse Selection Techniques

Get Help

Tip of the Day: Get Help in Windows

Old Task Switcher

Tip of the Day: ALT+ALT+Tab to Switch Programs

End Task on the Taskbar

Tip of the Day: Add End Task to the Taskbar

Windows ALT+F4

Tip of the Day: Exit Windows Using ALT+F4

Sign Out

Tip of the Day: Sign Out!


Tip of the Day: Tracert

A man standing on a cliff with his hands cupped around his mouth, screaming into the void below. The scene captures a vast, rugged landscape with a deep chasm beneath him, and a dramatic sky overhead. The man is wearing casual outdoor clothing suitable for hiking.

Tip of the Day: Stop Screaming Into the Void

Back of a credit card highlighting the difficult to read number.

Tip of the Day: Dial Carefully