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Will backup programs run if my computer is hibernating or in standby?


I’m one of those who uses hibernate on a regular basis. My question: can I
schedule backups to run if the computer is in hibernate or sleep mode? I’m
running Windows 7. I use Clickinks for backup software.

In this excerpt from
Answercast #81
, I look at the problems in trying to back up a computer that
is sleeping from hibernate or standby.


Backing up in hibernate or standby

Well, unfortunately, I’m not at all familiar with that backup software. I will tell you, in general, that the answer is no.

The computer typically must be running in order for scheduled backups to occur. It’s actually one of several reasons that I leave my computer (my main computer that’s doing these kinds of backups) running 24/7.

Look for wake-up settings

Now, I will say that some backup programs may have a setting. It’s something that you’ll have to investigate with the software that you’re using right now – and potentially some of the alternatives, if you’re so inclined.

Some programs do have a setting that will allow them to wake up the computer if needed for a backup to occur.

I believe, I could be wrong, but I believe that that only applies to standby and will not necessarily wake a computer up from hibernation. However, like I said, that’s something that you’ll have to look into with the specific backup software that you’re using.

But, my bottom-line suggestion, or my bottom line-thinking, is that in general, no.

(Transcript lightly edited for readability.)

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2 comments on “Will backup programs run if my computer is hibernating or in standby?”

  1. I have backup run each night from sleep state on a Windows 7 system (using MS native backup). After you schedule the backup (task) start the Task Schedule interface (run Task Scheduler), find “Windows Backup” task, under the conditions tab select “wake the computer to run this task”. Also make sure “Run wether user is logged on or not” is selected on the general tab.

  2. Yes, you can wake the hibernated computer up using scheduled tasks in XP. And also set the backup program to run at a later time after the computer has waked up.


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