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Why do I get script error messages in Windows 8 and not prior versions of Windows?

Question: With my new Dell Ultra book running Windows 8, I get really annoying script error messages on certain web pages, such as the New York Times. I’ve googled the problem and I’ve tried standard suggestions, such as removing temporary internet files and cookies, disabling script error debugging and stopping script error notices, and running CCleaner but the error messages keep reappearing. On other computers running Windows XP, I do not get the same error message. Do you have any suggestions?

It sounds like the issue here isn’t Windows (or Windows 8, in this case), but the browser that you’re using.

As of this article’s publication, Windows 8 is still sort of new so it is a little early to say yea or nay. But I suspect that you’re accessing the browser (I’m guessing Internet Explorer) from the tiled Start screen.

That may not be the browser you think it is.

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Two versions of IE on Windows 8

Internet Explorer Taskbar Icon Internet Explorer Tile

The tiled browser is a slightly different version of Internet Explorer than what you’re used to using. From what I can tell, it seems to have somewhat reduced features and it’s less than completely functional when compared with the normal Internet Explorer.

So, what I would have you try is instead to click on the desktop icon. If you’re not already at the desktop, use the Internet Explorer icon that shows up in our traditional taskbar down at the bottom. That seems to fire up the traditional, full-featured Internet Explorer.

Of course, there is another approach as well.

Try another browser

If you still have the problems with that, the other solution is to consider firing up a different browser. Try Chrome or Firefox. They’re both fine browsers and work on Windows 8. They should be able to run properly and there isn’t this confusion of versions depending on how you start it.

So I would give Internet Explorer from the desktop or taskbar first. And if that doesn’t resolve the issue, then fire up something like Chrome or Firefox and see if that doesn’t clear it up for you.

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4 comments on “Why do I get script error messages in Windows 8 and not prior versions of Windows?”

  1. I am not a win8 user but one thing screams out at me – is it possible to change what browser the tile points to. That would solve the problem of getting the limited version.
    This could be useful because I have a non-techie friend that has Win8 on her laptop.

    • AFAIK In Windows 8 it is not possible to change the target of the IE Tile on the start screen but you can remove it from view. You can create a new Tile on the start screen for an alternative browser such as Firefox or Chrome.
      Creating a new Tile is done from the desktop!. Right click on the desktop Icon (Not the taskbar Icon) and select “pin to start”. the new tile will then be on the start page. Then just drag it to the place where you want it.

  2. I am having the same script errors with Windows 8. I am using Firefox. I updated my computer from Windows 7 and never had a problem with it. I had to do a refresh with my Windows 8 and it wiped out my Windows 7 and all the programs I had loaded into it. Since the refresh my internet browser Firefox has not worked properly since. Has anyone else had this problem.

  3. When you talk about script errors, I take it you mean the Long Running Script sign that comes up at the bottom of the screen. I had this happen and it kept freezing my PC. Being an old machine I decided to buy a new one, and almost immediately had the same thing happen. I realised it was too much of a coincidence. I also realised the thing two PC’s had in common was a new printer I had recently bought. So I uninstalled it from both machines and no more long running script. I had downloaded the script with the printer sofware. I have yet to try reinstalling them in the hope this time it will be okay.


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